2010, There Drug Findings of HIV / AIDS

HEALTH is an important element in the life of mutual synergy with other life elements. Any predictions on the health of the world in 2010?

According penerawangan Djenar Beby through tarot cards, there will be a variety of new viruses that have emerged and are quite concerned about the health condition of children. The spread of the virus that causes a lot happening over the air is very vulnerable children affected by the disease.

Therefore, parents are advised to keep watching the child's condition and provide adequate nutritional intake. "It would be better if more improved nutritional intake. Talk of malnutrition, many of these problems will appear in the outposts of Indonesia. "

Various diseases Metal Tiger will dominate the year, among them, vertigo, a narrowing of blood vessels and the heart. Heart disease occurs due ngoyo lifestyle, lack of time to exercise, as well as the pressures of life. Therefore, the presence of various diseases later initiated from the pressure of the mind (stress).

Number of HIV / AIDS will increase interaction and consider the growing use of free syringes. However, there is some good news at the end of the year 2010 for the health world, because the cure for those suffering from HIV / AIDS will be found. And in the next two years, its distribution can already widely marketed to various countries. However, people should remain cautious against the spread of viruses that until now no such medicine.

To be free from diseases and stay healthy, there are different ways you can apply, including regular exercise, eating foods rich in fiber, and positive thinking. Various methods are able to nourish themselves, both materially and spiritually to life was easier.

Another way that you should try is refreshing, for example, enjoy the mountain air to refresh your mind full of fatigue. Also do meditation and yoga. "Meditation can be done twice a week at night and admire the beauty of the work of the Creator."

A time to 20-30 minutes of time to restore new energy until you are more refreshed and ready for tomorrow's activities. "To practice yoga, you can do early morning when the air is still fresh.