I. Introduction
II. Types of Cancer
III. What Causes Cancer?
IV. What Are Symptoms of Cancer?
V. Diagnosis of Cancer
VI. Treatment of Cancer
VII. How cancer prevention?
I. Preliminary
Cancer is not a mild disease. Early step in cancer treatment is correctly detecting that the symptoms that appear on the patient's body is truly malignant cancer cells. This detection can be done by examination of biopsy, so that the treatment step can be done quickly and accurately. The next step is treatment with conventional therapy. But in fact this way of treatment of cancer often can not be solved totally. Here, the role of medicinal plants / herbs.
The main role is to promote herbal body resistance of patients and localized kaker cells so that cancer cells do not easily spread, and more easily removed, also not toxic so it is more safe for the patient's body. An example is a medicinal plant extracts rat taro (Typhonium Flagelliforme). In use, medicinal plants can be used in conjunction with conventional treatment (surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy and hormonterapi) or after conventional treatment has been completed. Because the drug from rat taro extract can help reduce the effects of conventional treatment.
The number of cancer patients in Indonesia is not yet clearly known, but increased from year to year can be proved as a cause of death. Only a few cancers that can be treated satisfactorily, especially if treated at an early stage still. Treatment success is largely determined by the type of cancer, cancer stage, general condition of patients, and efforts to heal the patient.
Cancer Definition
Cancer is a disease caused by the growth of tissue cells that are not normal. Cancer cells grow rapidly, uncontrollably, and will continue to divide, then infiltrate into surrounding tissues (invasive) and continues to spread through the connective tissue, blood, and attack vital organs and spinal cord. Under normal circumstances, cells will divide only if there is a replacement of cells that are dead and damaged. In contrast to cancer cells continue to divide even though the body does not need it, so it will happen accumulation of new cells, called a malignant tumor. Cumulation of these cells and damage normal tissue urgent, and disturbing the organs they occupy. Cancer can occur in various networks in various organs in each body, from feet to head. When cancer occurs at the surface of the body, will be easily detected and treated. However, when occurring in the body, the cancer will be difficult to know, and sometimes - sometimes have no symptoms. If symptoms develop, usually so difficult to treat advanced stage.
Differences Tumor and Cancer
There are two types of tumors were benign and malignant tumors. Only benign tumors to grow and expand, not too dangerous, and does not spread beyond the network. Whereas malignant tumors are cancers that grow rapidly and uncontrolled and damaging other tissue.