Coughing is actually a physiological reflex that serves to clean the respiratory tract from foreign objects. Coughing can be caused by weather disturbances such as cold air or changes in air temperature, smoke or dust allergies, phlegm or because of inflammation of the respiratory tract. Coughing can also become one of the symptoms of asthma disease, influenza and tuberculosis.
There are several traditional ways to relieve cough. This therapy can be used to reduce cough caused by allergies dust, smoke, or light interference.
Kaempferia galanga (Kaempferia galanga)
Kencur chewed, sucked, sucked the water. Or if prefer, chew until creamed and then swallowed.
Java acids (Tamarindus Indica L.)
Java tamarind pulp brewed with hot water, add a little brown sugar, set aside to cool. Steeping drink this every morning and evening.
Carrot (Daucus carota)
Grated carrot juice and taken away. Drunk two times a day.
(Morinda citrifolia)
Noni fruit are crushed, add two cups of hot water, then filtered. Take water and mixed with lime juice. Drink 3 times daily.
Ginger (Zingiber officinale)
Ginger and hammered burned, boiled together fennel, cinnamon, cloves, and palm sugar. Strain, and drink water.
Another recipe is to burn 15 grams of ginger for 15 minutes, and then crushed. Brewed with 1 cup hot water and add 1 tablespoon of honey.
Lime (Citrus aurantifolia)
There are a few recipes as lemon cough. The first method, water plus honey lime juice to taste. Second, lemon-herb noni as above. Third, lemon-herb sauce. Fourth, mixed with lime salt.
Aloe vera (Aloe vera)
Aloe pith is cut into small pieces mixed with honey, taken three times a day as much as a teaspoon.
Blumea (Blumea balsamifera)
Blumea leaf and cumin leaves sliced, boiled with cloves, cubeb, cardamom, cinnamon, and fennel as much as 2-3 cups.
Betel (Piper betle)
Five pieces of betel leaves are boiled with cloves, cardamom, cubeb, and cinnamon.
Wuluh Carambola (Averrhoa bilimbi)
Wuluh starfruit flower handful boiled in two cups water, add the sugar cube. The decoction is drunk every morning and evening.
You can also use star fruit wuluh. Boil 5 wuluh star fruit in a glass of water, add 5 grams of sugar Java. Simmer for 15 minutes, kemudiang lift and sift. Drink two times daily.