High Blood Pressure (hypertension) is not a monopoly of modern humans, but also have often experienced by our ancestors. However, basically there are many natural ingredients and traditional blend is found to overcome this disease.
HPA Malaysian Herbal Practitioner Doctor, Dr. Akbar Zaidul asserted, humans may not be able to improve the quality of health if consumed drugs or supplements that contain many chemicals. In a seminar titled "Overcoming Hypertension in Medical Herbs" organized Stores Marwa in Toha Putra Semarang Center last week, Zaidun explained, the facts showed 10% of medical drugs used to cure diseases contain synthetic chemicals that cause various side effects.
If the medicines consumed in the long term, can eventually cause damage to human organs. Dependence on chemical drugs that should be suppressed by utilizing a variety of natural materials. It would be more healthy and without side effects than stuffing our bodies with chemical-chemical risk.
According to him, various herbs that can be used to reduce hypertension in ataranya, habatus sauda (black cumin), green cincau, dates, bitter, tongkat ali, noni, cat whiskers, or leaves a spoon. Not only that, according Wadir HPA Jakarta Institute of Technology, Lecturer at the same time Malaysia is Powered herbalis KPJ, aloe vera, gotu kola, as well as ant nests can also be utilized for these disease problems.
Still taking herbal medicinal products should also needs to be studied first. Are herbal medicines that have been packaged for safe use. Properties also must have been scientifically proven or pre-clinic. Jugas product raw materials should be standardized, as well as meet the quality requirements.
Moreover, patterns of life are critical to maintain body condition, including avoiding hypertension. Healthy lifestyle is a long-term health investment. While the hospital would cost an expensive investment. Therefore, smoking should be avoided, the food is too greasy, lazy, and playing online games which proved to be susceptible to burn calories. suaramerdeka.com