Various Ways to Soothe Acne

Acne on the face is very frustrating, therefore, diligently-rajinlah clean face. In addition to maintaining cleanliness, food intake should also be considered, because some types of high fat foods can trigger acne.

But if all efforts have been made but acne still desperate to stop by, do not keep silence, and soon overcome in order to sooth the face.

You also must have felt frustrated by often, the acne is gone, but the marks still adorn the face. Do not worry, there are some natural ways you can choose.

1. Wash your face with betel leaves steeping water, 2-3 times daily. Its function is to kill acne bacteria.

2. Clean the face with a mixed extract of star fruit wuluh little salt water. Wuluh Carambola is very good as antiinflammatory and astrigen to shrink the enlarged pores due to acne scars.

3. given facial steam with water steeping tea.

4. Grease spots acne scars with sticks of cinnamon powder mixed with honey. Do it at night, then wipe in the morning.

5. Take a little honey and heat until boiling. Let stand until lukewarm then apply on acne scars, leave on for 1 hour. Do it every night before bed.

6. Do not ever touch the acne with dirty hands, let alone memencetnya. It's a bit much to reduce acne scars due.