Pretty mean slim. If not, is not pretty. Not sexy. The concept of such a constellation of psychological influence people. If it was not pretty, people can not believe it myself. The concept that in turn affect eating patterns.
Disrupted eating patterns due to psychological factors like this is called bulimia nervosa. "Usually it strikes people ages bulimia adolescents and adults who are victims of fashion or magazine that said that the beautiful woman is slim," said dr. Inayah, SPG, from Hang Keliu Clinic, Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta.
Patients with bulimia nervosa are usually not directly caught by others because of her weight is normal and not too straight. However, behind all this, their confidence is low and they often experience depression. They will show the cumulative behavior, such as shoplifting in the supermarket or the experience of dependence on alcohol or other.
Symptoms and Dangers. Patients with bulimia nervosa will eat significant amounts of excess. According to research, on average, patients with bulimia nervosa consume 3400 calories every single quarter of an hour, whereas normally only need 2000-3000 calories per day. If so, the body of minerals such as potassium zodium and will be disturbed.
Patients also will strive to remove what has been eaten back by spitting back or by using laxatives. "At least twice a week they will eat their favorite food very much. After that, they will issue a return," said dr. Inayah. Regularly use drugs to prevent her weight was not easy to ride. Quite often they exercise excessively.
At the time of food eaten out, and potassium zodium also out. "If that happens, the patient will become lethargic and heart pounding," he said. In addition, patients can also be affected by osteoporosis, if calcium come out.
Repeated vomiting can damage the stomach and esophagus channel, the channel between the esophagus and stomach, because it forces the stomach to contract inappropriately. Stomach acid that comes out with vomit, said dr. Aid, will make the gums shrink and erode tooth enamel. "If we are wrong in striking at the throat it will cause a mild stroke," he said.
Once again, bulimia nervosa is influenced by psychological factors. If these factors are not immediately addressed, the bulimic will feel afraid to look for food. It is usually referred to as anorexia. "With just one mouthful to eat, he will feel put on weight," he continued. This disease can be improved or even worsened. Can progressively worse with no signs of improvement at all.
Patient's body reacts to these conditions by stopping some processes, such as reducing blood pressure, breathing weakened, menstruation stops, and exit teroid glands that regulate the growth disappeared. The skin becomes dry and brittle hair and nails. If interference is not handled promptly, the patient could die.
Handling. The first thing to do to overcome this problem is to eliminate the factors causing it. Patients should be relaxed and fully aware that each body has his own genetic template. There are thin, there are athletic. "Not everyone has the lean and lanky body," he said. In addition, patients must also be aware that the composition of different muscles. There are sturdy and there is not.
It must be realized also that each body has different types. People under his body fat, better health risk than fat on the top. Especially people that fat in the abdomen. Therefore, a healthy diet must be maintained to avoid obesity.
In addition to the set pattern of healthy eating, bulimia can also be treated with hypnotherapy were continuing treatment. Hypnotherapy can not stand alone without looking at the nutritional bulimic, "added Jovita Trikomandito, Cevtifird hypnotherapist from Hang Lekiu.
The therapy is carried out by Jovita is to bring the patient into the subconscious and change the behavior of someone that can increase the return of consciousness, health, and ability to achieve the goals themselves a better life.