JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - Talk about the benefits and efficacy of tea leaves, generally we will be more focused on green tea. In fact, both green tea and black tea both have properties on health. Almost all types of tea turned out to play a major role on health peminumnya. This is because tea contains antioxidant compounds such as polyphenols, flavonoids, L-theanin.
As described by Peter CH Hollman, researchers from Waginingen University, the Netherlands, antioxidant compounds in tea are useful as anticancer substances, suppress stress hormones, and improve blood vessel function that will prevent cardiovascular disease, such as heart attack and stroke.
"Tea is a source of flavonoids that have a direct effect on vascular health," Hollman said in a press conference event Tea Science Symposium organized by the Institute of Lipton Tea in Jakarta, Wednesday (07/14/2010).
In a meta-analysis of research Hollman, proved that those who ate three cups of tea per day had a risk reduction of stroke by 20 percent. "Both black tea and green tea have the same protective effect," he explained. In various research, testing has been done on the relationship of tea with cardiovascular disease, whether its short term and long term.
According to the explanation Visvajit De Alwis, General Manager of the Tea Buying Division of PT Unilever Indonesia, black tea is black tea brown color, flavor "rich", which is produced through the fermentation process. The green tea is green tea that is produced through a process of steaming rapidly to prevent the occurrence of leaf color changes and the onset of fermentation. In Indonesia, the type of black tea is more popular than green tea.