WANT to its heart-healthy? Start now to change your eating patterns. Avoid fatty foods and foods high in carbohydrate intake multiplied.
The heart is the most vital organ of life for humans. Healthy heart will produce a better quality of life. However, not everyone is blessed with perfectly functioning heart condition. An unhealthy lifestyle can lead to various kinds of diseases. Heart disease is most commonly found coronary heart disease, chest pain (angina), and rheumatic heart.
Coronary heart disease is that sufferers of heart disease the most. This disease attacks the blood vessels and can cause heart attacks. Heart attack caused by a clogged artery so that hamper the distribution of oxygen and nutrients to the heart. However, not all terserangnya heart disease caused by blood vessels.
There are also disorders such as abnormal heart rhythms (abnormal heart beats). The heart that beats too slow (below 60 beats per minute) is called bradyarrhythmias. While the beats on top of 100 per minute is called the tachyarrhytmias. All disorders of the heart is usually caused by a congenital abnormality and is usually born.
Similarly, known as heart failure or heart failure is the most frightening of heart disease. Not that the heart can not work at all. However, the heart is not beating properly. There is also a heart condition such as heart valve disease (heart valve damage) which is a congenital abnormality.
Although many types and kinds, however, particularly heart disease caused by blockage of blood vessels can be overcome or avoided by consuming foods contain fiber, particularly fiber type named betaglukan. In fact, various studies have shown, fibrous foods, especially fiber type betaglukan able to reduce bad cholesterol levels (low densy lipoprotein / LDL) in blood. If low levels of LDL in the blood, heart health becomes more assured.
"Fibre betaglukan itself can be found in processed grain products, known as oats or oatmeal. Fibre oat-like jelly could bind fat in the blood and threw it through the dirt," said a clinical nutrition specialist from the Central Pertamina Hospital (RSPP), Dr Fatma RD Kusuma .
Does not end there, research conducted in America found that oats or wheat fiber is soluble fiber that can lower LDL (bad) cholesterol without lowering HDL (good cholesterol). "Fiber oats also contain low glikemi. That way, oatmeal is very good for diabetics because blood sugar levels produced after a meal is very low," he said again.
High levels of LDL is the main cause of increased cases of coronary heart disease. Although there is a faster pharmacological therapy for lowering LDL, with more healthy eating cereal grain and without side effects. However, it took a bit longer.
According to nutritionists such thick glasses, oatmeal is a good source of nutrition because they contain vitamin E, zinc, selenium, copper, iron, and magnesium. "Porridge oats can be a good source of protein for the body. Our next task is to socialize heavily to the community," mention contacted some time ago.
To get the maximum results, every day a person should consume 70 grams of oats. The numbers must be right because if excessive, the result will not be maximized. One thing that is not less important as lowering cholesterol levels in the blood is by exercising regularly.
Cholesterol is particularly virulent, is blamed as the cause of coronary heart disease because it causes blood vessels clogged and harden (atherosclerosis). As a result, the blood flow is not smooth or clogged. If the blocked blood flow to the heart is, then the place of coronary heart disease (CHD). If the leads to the brain, a stroke occurs. It could also hinder the blood circulation in the legs, causing the black color.
Noted coronary heart disease deserves attention because it is still ranked first as a human killer. Based on data from the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2001.
Each year approximately 7.2 million deaths from coronary heart disease. The process of blood vessel blockage is happening faster when more people apply unhealthy lifestyles such as frequently eating fast food, soft drinks or sweet drinks too much and not balanced with white water and rarely exercise.
Source of fiber, in addition to wheat can also be found in avocado, grape, apple, berry and citrus fruit. Avocados contain glutathione antioxidant and beneficial monounsaturated fats to neutralize free radicals and destructive nature of fat in the body. In wine there is flavonoids, such as catechin quercentin and serves to facilitate blood flow, preventing oxidation of bad cholesterol, and reduce the formation of plaques in blood vessels. "Vitamin C in the wine also can neutralize free radicals," he said again.
While contained in a lot of apple pectin, which is a useful type of fiber helps lower blood cholesterol levels. Pectin binds cholesterol from food. For example from the dairy, meat, and eggs, as well as help it to stay in the intestine.