You are trying to stop smoking, is often hampered because it has been addicted to nicotine. To fix this, try eating a banana. The content of B6 and B12 in bananas helps to neutralize the effect of nicotine.
In addition to those benefits, there are many benefits of bananas for your health.
Overcome anemia
Bananas contain enough iron, so that effective treatment for anemia. Eat two bananas every day.
Triptopthan acid content in bananas which converted into serotonin (a substance that can alter mood) can overcome depression and stress. In addition, the amount of vitamin B6 in it can regulate blood glucose levels can change the mood.
power source
Bananas can be digested with ease, the sugar contained in fruit is converted into a good source of quick energy.
Good for pregnant mothers
Banana recommended for pregnant women because it contains folic acid, which is easily absorbed fetus through the uterus.
Neutralize stomach acid
Got a problem with the stomach? Try eating bananas mixed with fresh milk. This herb neutralizes gastric acidity.
Alternative foods for diabetics
Not just any bananas, but bananas are familiar to the public Goroho Gorontalo, North Sulawesi. Goroho immature banana steamed, then mixed with grated young coconut, a delicious meal that is safe for diabetics.
To get all those benefits, you do not have to bother banana processing or mixing with other materials. One banana contains an average of 99 calories calories, 1.2 grams protein, 0.2 fat grams, carbohydrates 25.8 milligrams (mg), 0.7 grams fiber, 8 mg of calcium, phosphorus 28 mg, iron 0.5 mg, vitamin A44RE, 0.08 mg vitamin B, vitamin C 3 mg and 72 grams of water.
Pick ripe banana reactors, yellowish green skin with patches of brown or yellow. More digestible ripe bananas, sugar and natural fruit turned into glucose quickly absorbed into the blood circulation.