DID you, modern life is demanding and fast serbainstan everything, has made people increasingly adopted an unhealthy lifestyle. Whereas the pattern of living like this, the emergence of a variety of deadly diseases, such as stroke.
Stroke, the number three killer diseases in Indonesia began from keasidan (acidity), high blood, blood coagulation, and blockage of blood vessels. When a blockage occurs in blood vessels right / left, it will experience a severe stroke to paralysis of part or the whole body.
Want to avoid a stroke? Therefore, prevention by living a healthy lifestyle is the best way. Nutrition in the prevention of stroke, is one factor that is often forgotten. Since most public attention is currently focused only on drugs alone.
Based on research conducted by the American Heart Association (AHA) found in diverse diet, one of the Mediterranean diet is successful in reducing the incidence of stroke and cardiac infarction up to 60 percent within four years of research.
According to Dr Diah PYM as Bintaro International Hospital Nutrition Diet, Mediterranean diet has a few differences of nutrient components with other typical western diet. Mediterranean diet based on a study of cholesterol and fat content of trans in low amount, this diet also contains a useful oil. As well as vitamins and antioxidants in high amount.
This type of diet can actually be adopted by our society with some notes as follows:
Type of carbohydrate which is useful in preventing stroke is the carbohydrates that have fiber in it, carbohydrate types can be found in foods such as oatmeal, rice bran, brown rice, red beans, soy beans.
Carbohydrates from whole grains and fiber in addition to having antioxidant levels high enough, also contain phytoestrogens that are useful to maintain the health of blood vessels and heart.
The role of antioxidants
Vitamin A & C is an antioxidant vitamin that has properties beneficial to reduce the risk of blood vessel damage that are common to several hours after eating foods high in fat.
Ingredients that have antioxidant properties is omega 3 oil, corn, vegetables, and fruits. To obtain an optimal effect, required a combination of several antioxidants at the same time from different food substances. Therefore, according to a study mention, vitamin and mineral intake from supplements were considered less useful in providing a protective effect on blood vessel walls.
Consumption of vegetables and fruits with different colors because of antioxidant effects gained more leverage. Like beta carotene derived from carrots, the substance lycopene contained in tomatoes, stoberi, and watermelon. These substances have anticancer and antioxidant content.