Prevent Cervical Cancer Soon!

PARTIAL foreign women may still hear cervical cancer. But an important note, this type of cancer has claimed the lives of women. In fact, the implementation of Visual Inspection with Acetic Acid (VIA) test conducted on 7000 mothers of households in the city of Solo on March 23 and is known as much as 4% of them tested positive for cervical cancer (cervical) and as much as 6% have been infected.

It proves the number of patients with cervical cancer (cervical) in Solo is high. Based on the info from the official website of the WHO, there have been 250 thousand deaths caused by cervical cancer in 2005. Cervical cancer is caused by the Human papilloma virus (HPV) which are sometimes in the early stages did not show any symptoms.

This disease could at least be more aware by knowing the symptoms are as follows:

1. Loss of appetite and weight declined
2. Pelvic bone pain and spinal
3. Swelling in the legs
4. Accompanies fecal discharge of urine through the vagina
5. Menstruation is not normal (longer and more)
6. Whitish and the resulting odor, with a watery liquid with brown or pink, containing blood

Method of examination should be done:

-Test Pap smears, to identify and detect abnormal cells found only in the outer layer of the cervix and does not invade the deeper part. If not immediately treated, these abnormal cells turn into cancer cells can spread in several places around the cervix, upper vagina, pelvic area, and other parts of the body. Even in the United States, according to the American Cancer Society, the reduction reached 75% after a pap smear test carried out widely.
HPV-DNA test, to determine whether someone is infected. In this test network taken from the cervix to be examined in the laboratory.
If Pap test results showed the cancer cells, patients can undergo further examination. Diagnosis is done, check the cervix by colposcopy that is examining the cells with a special microscope. After that, take a sample of cervical cells with a biopsy.

Cervical Cancer Prevention:
- Prevention of cervical cancer can be done with the program skrinning and HPV vaccine. From this research, proved that the immune response to work two times higher in young women aged 10-14 years compared to 15-25 years of age.
- Early detection by Visual Inspection with Acetic Acid which has been developed in Indonesia, this can reduce the number of deaths from cervical cancer by 50%.
- Avoid sexual intercourse at a young age (under 20 years), and changing sexual partners.
- Periodically (once a year) to do a pelvic exam and pap smear.

If the symptoms of cervical cancer later found immediately contact your doctor for further action.

Epilepsy Attack Appears Do not Know Where

"Epilepsy is not infectious diseases, and not a hereditary disease ... Come on Andi playing ball again ..."

STILL remember to quote your public service ads about epilepsy who had bersliweran on national television a few years ago? Epilepsy or epilepsy are often referred to is not contagious, but the impact could be endangering the lives of people around him. That applies if pengidapnya'm relapse when driving on the highway.

As experienced Tambori Kalvin Tan (28), Taman Sari Jakarta residents, who suffered epileptic seizures while driving Teriosnya. Accidentally, he grazed leisurely stroll PDIP 43 participants who were commemorating the month Bung Karno in Jalan Asia Afrika, Senayan, Jakarta, Sunday (20 / 6).

Epileptic seizures can occur at any time, without recognizing places. Manifestations such as seizures or epilepsy may lose consciousness in an instant. "Seizures can occur anytime and anywhere, including while driving or swimming," said neurologist RS Gading Pluit, Jakarta, Dr. Andreas Harry SPS (K).

Epileptic disorders such as abnormal patterns of activity of brain cells, similar to electric short circuit. Abnormal signals that cause temporary changes in behavior sensation, movement, or consciousness. Although dangerous, actually epileptic seizures can be controlled with medication.

"The primary function of epilepsy drugs to cushion the brain cells in order to avoid contact. If there was contact, the result is a seizure," explains Dr. Andreas.

With controlled epileptic seizures, people with epilepsy can perform daily activities well, doing well in school and at work.

Have Prohibition SIM

Meanwhile, according to observers of health, Dr. Handrawan Nadesul, should someone who is suffering from epilepsy should not drive a vehicle, let alone to get Driving License (SIM). "There are provisions indeed, that people who suffer from epilepsy should not be allowed to drive let alone to get a driver's license," he said.

According Handrawan, would be very risky if someone with the disease is left to drive, because any time the disease may recur unexpectedly. "This is very dangerous especially if he gets a license B, for public service vehicles," says general physician.

Handrawan added, epilepsy is a disease that may recur due to stress, lack of sleep, fatigue and all the things that lead to changes in emotion. Therefore the patient should continue taking the drug for treatment of her condition, because if you consume will have a fatal late relapse of a sudden without warning.

6 Food prevent Mouth Odor - Uh, little more like a meeting. But the lunch menu you leave a trail of unpleasant blast of your breath. No time to brush your teeth too. Well, do not want to get stuck in a situation like this? Try to multiply food intake to keep your breath always stays fresh.

Lemon. Try to suck on lemon slices, or small biting edge of the lemon. If you are in restaurants, can order water with lemon in it, or lemon tea. For time-pressed for time, candy with lemon flavor can also help, plus more portable.

Parsley and other green garnishes. When your order arrives with a garnish of green at the edges, usually parsley, basil, or rosemary, try chewing the leaves. Stems and leaves of these small plants contain oil that has a smell that can cover up bad breath.

Apples, pears, and carrots. These foods are rich in fiber, plus chewing these foods will help your mouth produce saliva. Both of these will create a kind of cleansing the mouth.

Crispy spice. For other exotic solutions, try searching for cardamom, coriander, or fennel seeds, which usually are sold in places where sales of seasonings. Chewing herbs were going to spend its oil to neutralize unpleasant mouth odor.

Mint leaves or cinnamon sticks. These materials can help to extinguish the unpleasant odor of onions and garlic. Plus, oil of cinnamon can kill bacteria in the mouth so as not to grow more. Cinnamon or mint gum is as effective. If you are a lover of bubble gum, chewing gum with flavor select mints that contain xylitol to reduce the risk of cavities and refreshes the breath.

Berry fruit and yogurt. If you do not get through the day without eating foods that can trigger unpleasant breath odor, eat for prevention, which is better than trying to remove the smell that was oppressive. Eat a half cup of plain yogurt, sugar free and low in fat can lower the levels of hydrogen sulfide causes unpleasant breath odor. Berry fruit, as well as melons, oranges and other fruits containing high vitamin C, can also reduce oral bacteria that smells. Start each day with a fruit yogurt provided as a supplement.

8 Signs Cancer - Cancer is a disease gene which until now still be a big problem because it is not known exactly how the process of change in normal cells become malignant and fast growing cells in a person's body.

Basically, cancer can be cured if detected early. Therefore, people are advised to check their health regularly. Although cancer is often asymptomatic general, experts recommend that we immediately checked out when to meet any unusual changes in the body.

Recently, experts from the UK mentioning the 8 signs that need to be aware of cancer symptoms. Although these symptoms could be signs of other illnesses, any suspicion of cancer can prevent a person from a more serious disease. In other words, there's no harm in checking if it finds suspicious symptoms.

In general there are eight cancer symptoms:
1. Anemia
2. There was blood in the urine
3. Coughing up blood
4. It is hard to swallow
5. There are lumps in the breast
6. Bleeding in the menopause
7. The test results are abnormal prostate
8. Bleeding in the stool

No less important is the prevention of cancer, namely by making healthy lifestyle, such as not smoking, not consuming alcohol, reduce fatty foods, maintaining ideal body weight, and exercise regularly.

10 Best Foods Men Make - Men different from women in all respects - including nutritional needs. Like the women who need certain nutrients during pregnancy or protection from breast cancer, the descendants of Adam also needs special nutrients that help maintain muscle, prevent prostate cancer, and more.

Many foods that tend to be favorites among men, but it is bad for health. Therefore, it never hurts to know 10 types of foods that can fight disease while improving the health of men:

1. Oyster
According to Dave Grotto, RD, a spokesman for the American Dietetic Association, "Research shows that the content of zinc (zinc) in the oyster can protect the body from cell damage that leads to prostate cancer." Moreover, "Zinc also serves on the reproductive system of male sexual including increasing the number of sperm," says Grotto.

However, according to the Grotto, you have to be careful eating raw oysters can be risky due to Vibrio vulnificus infection. In addition, patients with liver disease, diabetes mellitus, rheumatoid arthritis, and chronic renal failure, and alcoholics should be careful to consume oysters because it increases the risk greater in their illness.

Therefore, it is recommended to consume oysters with a dose of 11 milligrams per day, if you also consume other types of shellfish, lean beef, lean pork, or beans.

2. Banana
Bananas have a large energy source and the rich content of potassium needed to regulate nerves, heartbeat, especially blood pressure. Diets rich in potassium and magnesium (also found in bananas) can reduce the risk of stroke.

As a source of vitamin B-6, bananas can also help the immune system, forming red blood cells, ensure the nervous system functions well, and helps metabolize protein.

So enjoy a banana each day, at breakfast or before a workout at the gym. For those who are not enthusiasts can try banana orange juice, milk, tomatoes, and beans are also good for a diet rich in potassium.

3. Omega-3 fatty fish
There is no comprehensive list of healthy foods without fats containing omega-3. Unsaturated fats are fats that dpenting for the body because it beneficial for the heart, blood circulation, immune system and reduce the risk of prostate cancer.

"Omega-3 fats are anti-inflammatory foods that can help lower triglycerides in the fat, reduce pain and pain in athletes, and help cure arthritis," says Joy Bauer, MS, RD, nutrition expert Joy Bauer's book author of Food Cures.

American Heart Association recommends everyone to own eating fatty fish (salmon, sardines, tuna, mackerel, herring) twice a week, because amino acids rich in omega-3.

"Fatty fish is also a source of good nutrition vitamin D to prevent cancer, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and bone disease," said Bauer.

However, to get omega-3 protein other than animal protein you can also get in plant foods such as flaxseed, walnuts, soybeans, canola oil, and egg products.

Vegetables broccoli helps prevent heart disease and cancer. Broccoli is loaded with vitamin C, beta-carotene, potassium, and phytochemicals called sulphoraphane (anticancer prostate and colon).

Super-nutritious green vegetables can also help reduce levels of homocycteine, an amino acid associated with increased risk of heart disease and stroke. If you do not like broccoli, you can try sayuran'silangan 'such as bok choy, cabbage, cauliflower, or Brussels sprouts.

5.Kacang Brazil
According to Bauer, Brazil nuts contain selenium and magnesium. Both types of these nutrients are antioxidants which can prevent liver cancer and protect prostate health. In addition, people who are selenium-rich diet decreased the risk of cancer. Selenium also helps lower LDL or "bad koresterol" and reduce the incidence of blood clots and heart disease.

It is recommended that adults consume 55 micrograms of selenium daily from Brazil nuts, dry-roasted nuts, turkey, tuna, or shellfish. Although your daily dose of selenium can be met in one Brazil nut, Bauer warned to not eat more than two Brazil nuts per day because they contain much selenium can cause you overdose.

6. Whole Grains (seeds intact serelia)
Most men think is getting enough carbohydrates, but the kind they eat just one. "Diets rich in whole grains provides fiber, vitamins, minerals that support heart health, muscle building, and maintaining a small waist," said Christine Gerbstadt, the American Dietetic Association.

According Gerstadt, foods such as oatmeal contains soluble fiber in the body, and also contains vitamin B which can help lower LDL cholesterol and good for the prostate.

It is recommended to consume 10-25 grams of fiber each day, either from other sources such as oatmeal or apples, pears, and nuts. Keep in mind, when buying grain products, look for products containing at least 3-5 grams of fiber per serving. To avoid digestive problems, try increasing your fiber intake gradually, and do not forget to drink lots of water.

7. Stanols
Stanols are natural substances in fruits and vegetables that have been proven to reduce levels of bad cholesterol. Many foods are now fortified with stanols, such as butter, yogurt, orange juice, granola and chocolate.

Every day, men are recommended to consume 2 grams of plant stanols plus other types of food to help inhibit the absorption of cholesterol in the intestine. To accomplish that, you can consume 2-3 teaspoons stanols products such as Benecol or 16 ounces of orange juice fortified stanols per day, because stanols are safe to use as a cholesterol-lowering.

8. Soybean
According Gerstadt, rich in soy isoflavones, which maintain prostate health and have been shown to decrease the risk of prostate cancer. "According to a recent study, eating 25 grams of soy beans or about 1 ounce of soy protein each day helps lower cholesterol," says Farrell.

The FDA itself has approved health claims by food labels that claim to consume 25 grams of soy protein per day is part of a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol may help reduce the risk of heart disease.

Therefore, it never hurts to try eating some soy products every day, such as soy beans, soy milk, soy cheese, tofu or tempeh.

9. Berry and cherry
All kinds of different colors such as cherry, purple, blue and red color is very good for health because it can protect the flavonoid and anthocyanin.
Cherry fruit contains more than 4000 different compounds that have antioxidant properties than vitamin C. Adding berries in the diet help slow the decline in brain function resulting from the aging process.

10. Red and orange vegetables
Vitamin C and beta-carotene is an antioxidant that helps protect skin cells healthy and prevent oxidation from the sun.

"Vitamin C is involved in producing collagen. Beta-carotene converts to the active form of vitamin A, which helps to repair the epithelial cells or skin," said Bauer.

Bauer recommends that intake of all nutrients from red bell peppers (each fruit contains vitamin C 300% of the total needed by the body), carrots, pumpkin, or sweet potato.

According to the study of The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, in addition to vegetables that have been mentioned above, there are still some major vegetables should be consumed by men (and women), namely vegetables, dark green leafy vegetables and other nutrient-rich so they can help reduce the increasing risk of prostate .

In addition, the man who runs a diet rich in nutrients in vegetables that contain vitamin C, beta-carotene, and potassium ditemukkan risk of prostate enlargement becomes smaller.

Acupuncture Better Than Aspirin or acupuncture work better than aspirin in reducing severe and chronic headaches often. This report concludes the United States scientists, Monday (1 / 12) then.

A study by scientists from Duke University involving almost 4000 patients with migraine headache disorders, tension in the head and various forms of chronic headaches have shown that the use of acupuncture to reduce headaches 62 percent more effective than drugs that are only able to reduce headache 45 percent.

"Acupuncture treatment has become a favorite tool for many purposes ranging from improving fertility to reduce pain after surgery because of their experience with this technique the effect is minimal and inexpensive compared to other treatment options," said Dr. Tong Joo Gan, principal investigator.

According to Tong, the analysis of this research to prove how great of acupuncture in reducing chronic headache. In writing in the Journal of Anesthetics and Analgesia, the research team said 53 percent of patients using acupuncture feel helped or reduced the pain than those who do not use needles, about 45 percent.

"One important thing to know many people in the use of acupuncture needles is that this technique is not painful even stabbed a needle," says Gan. "This is a method that can release the pain killer (pain killer) from within the body's own natural." In other words, this needle puncture painkiller owned stimulate the body to exit. As a result, reduced headache.

This research is essentially to say, from six patients, five people are good people and not feel sick again thanks to acupuncture. Other studies have shown that acupuncture is able to get rid of pain is common after abdominal surgery in the head, neck cancer, and even reduce heartburn and other symptoms of menopause, also reduce the effects of chemotherapy such as nausea.

Acupuncture Produces Natural pain relief

LONDON, - Every puncture needles in specific points on the body it is effective to stimulate the body's natural pain relievers released called adenosine. The results of this study further confirmed the opinion that the method of acupuncture can be studied and explained scientifically.

Armed with this knowledge, experts believe the benefits of acupuncture can be combined with deoxycoformycin cancer drugs, which keep the levels of adenosine in the body is more durable.

The study was conducted by Dr.Maiken Nedergaard and colleagues at the University of Rochester Medical Center. They do intensive research on mice given a half-hour acupuncture treatment for groups of mice that experienced discomfort due to scratches.

The researchers found that levels of adenosine in the tissue close to the puncture needle 24 times higher after acupuncture therapy. And mice suffering from the discomfort that showed reduction in pain. Adenosine is better known as a regulator of sleep, blocking the nerve signals and inflammation.

Acupuncture is a treatment with acupuncture method in some parts of the body organs that are considered as a point accupoint to create special effects. This treatment is not accompanied with the provision of potions or other drugs.

Akunpuntur once considered trivial and difficult to explain rationally has now become one of the recognized alternative to traditional medicine in the world of modern medicine. Various scientific studies have been undertaken to uncover the mystery behind the ability of this method in curing diseases.

Overcome Stress with Acupuncture life hard unwittingly forcing citizens to compete. Challenging conditions and competition makes people become stressed which could eventually culminate in the emergence of various diseases, from mild to severe impressed like heart disease and cancer.

It was felt by Putu Oka Sukanta acupuncturist who started receiving a lot of patients with various illnesses caused by stress.

"Patients who come to my place with a variety of complaints, but after the sorted sequence is apparently the cause of discomfort in the workplace, there is disappointment, a sense of oppression by the occupation and the environment," said Putu Oka Sukanta when met at his clinic in Warta Kota Rawamangun, Wednesday .

Patients with a variety of complaints that will inevitably have to reveal to the Putu. At least, during the first visit the patient should be able to open up the disease, symptoms, and early because patients suffering from the disease.

For, if the patient refuses to tell her the problem, then Putu also reluctant to help heal patients. Because for Putu, both medical and traditional medicine, and any form of treatment, will not be able to cure the patient if the root problem of illness is unknown.

In fact, Putu insisted on trying to open the patient's problem at the first visit. Although, there are also some new patient known why on subsequent visits. Like patients who suffer migraine pain every day before 08:00 o'clock.

It turns out that the patient has a problem in the office so that he always felt hesitant to go to the office. When he was thinking of leaving or not, her head dizzy. But when she made up her mind, his headache disappeared, Putu said.

Things like these are to be understood when medicating patients klinilmya. If the root of the problem is already known, Putu will give patients the option to choose which form of treatment will dijalaiii them. -

No wonder if the new patient can be 15 to 30 minutes in his office. Putu will provide sufficient time for the patient and the disease may reveal the problem. In fact, Putu could invite patients to discuss things outside of his illness problems.

At three times a week provides acupuncture treatment, Putu did not give a schedule to die on his patients. It will give you CHOICES in accordance with the needs and abilities of the patient. He also continued to provide an explanation that, in theory, could be carried out patient treatment three times a week.

"I do not help to solve the problem of the patient if the fix medication time. But I still recommend three times a week and a decision in the hands of patients. Always be given leeway and he's got time to decide the time of treatment," said Putu Oka.

Even for people who have a very remote area of residence outside of Jakarta, the father of one child will give his fellow reference acupuncturists are in the same town with the patient. For Putu, the more patients get leeway in deciding their own treatment time, then it can help patients overcome the problem.

Because after all, patients still have limited time or material that makes them need to determine their own treatment.

There are also patients who are advised to take medication every day if the conditions of illness requiring intensive care. Again it is returned to the patient.

How the Body Reacts to Stress? - The experts now consider stress as important health problems faced by modern man. Various studies show that stress can affect the efficacy of the immune system. Therefore, the stress associated with various diseases suspected, such as heart disease, hypertension, stroke, cancer, to impotence.

Actually, how the body reacts to stress? According to Dr Tan Yen Shot, in his book, I Choose Healthy and Heal, will spark the release of stress hormones and chemicals that formed the body that increases mental awareness, increased heart rate to increase blood flow to vital body organs, as anticipated needs more energy high.

The hormone is released when we stress is epinephrine and norepinephrine, known as fight or flight hormones (fight or flee). When prolonged stress, the hormone cortisol released. Hormin itself had many undesirable side effects in the long term, including insulin resistance and bone loss.

Stress is not necessarily derived from the emotional things that are not fun and want to avoid. Stress can also come from the things that made themselves unwitting (and even was considered a pleasure), as is the habit of playing video games and exciting.

The nerves will receive the same impulses as well as mental condition was "stuck". Mental and emotional tension and the need to take action quickly dissipates epinephrine and norepinephrine with the same effects such as chronic stress and prolonged.

14 Easy Cause Body Tired

JAKARTA, - The body feels tired, interspersed with frequent yawning occurs when you move. Could be, drowsiness happens because you are not getting enough sleep, less energy, or even diseases, such as anemia. Then, how can I fix this?

Here are 14 causes of feeling tired and tips to overcome them:

1. Not Enough Sleep
Adults generally require seven to eight hours a day to sleep. If you are sleepy weight when on the move, it could be because the quality and quantity of your sleep decreases. Be careful, because lack of sleep can have a negative impact on your health and concentration.

The fix: make priority time for sleep and regular sleep schedule. Keep your laptop, cellphone, or PDA when you are asleep because it will help reduce disturbance during sleep.

2. "Sleep Apnea"
Some people think they have enough sleep. However, never thinking that if they have sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder characterized by breathing difficulties and occur repeatedly. Maybe you do not realize it, but every time it appears the quality of sleep disturbance will decrease. This causes you still feel the lack of sleep despite having spent eight hours for rest.

Sleep apnea is also associated with various diseases, such as hypertension, heart disorders, diabetes, and stroke. Sleep apnea occurs due to narrowing of the airway during sleep. As a result, the supply of oxygen will be repeatedly interrupted throughout the night.

How to cope: if you subtract kegemukkan weight, quit smoking, and try to sleep using a tool called a CPAP that keeps you breathing throughout the night.

3. Lack of Energy
Eating too little causes body fatigue, but eating the wrong foods can also be a problem. Balanced diet helps maintain your blood sugar levels within normal range and prevent fatigue when your blood sugar decreases.

The fix: always have breakfast every morning and trying to add protein and complex carbohydrates at every meal. For example, eating an egg with wholemeal bread. You can also eat a distraction to maintain energy throughout the day.

4. Anemia
Anemia is a major cause of fatigue in women. Bleed during menstruation can cause iron deficiency. Red blood cells was required by the body because they carry oxygen to tissues and organs.

How to cope: anemia usually caused by lack of iron. There's a good idea to outsmart by drinking iron supplements and eating iron-rich foods such as meat, liver, shellfish, beans, and iron-fortified cereals.

5. Depression
You might think depression is just emotional distress. However, this was also associated with physical symptoms. One of the most common physical symptoms are fatigue, headaches, and loss of appetite. If you still feel tired and depressed for more than two weeks, you should consult with a physician.

How to cope: depression can be addressed through psychotherapy and medical treatment.

6. Hypothyroidism
Thyroid is a small gland at the base of your neck. This organ serves to control and regulate the body's metabolism speeds the body convert food into energy. When these glands are not functioning properly and functions in the body's metabolism is slow, you may feel weak and growing fat.

How to cope: if blood tests show low thyroid hormone you are, your doctor will prescribe synthetic hormones to restore your body's performance.

7. Most drank caffeine
In a fair dose of caffeine can improve alertness and concentration. However, too much caffeine can increase heart rate, blood pressure, and seizures. Based on research, consuming too much caffeine can also cause fatigue in some people.

How to cope: gradually reduce the consumption of coffee, tea, chocolate, soft drinks, and any medicines that contain caffeine. Stopping suddenly can cause caffeine withdrawal and excessive fatigue.

8. Urinary Tract Infection
If you've ever experienced a urinary tract infection (UTI), you may experience a burning pain. However, these infections are not always indicated by the symptoms. In some cases, fatigue may be the only sign you get UTI. You can do urine test to confirm UTI.

How to cope: see a doctor. These medications can be prescribed antibiotics to deal with UTI and fatigue usually disappear after about a week.

9. Diabetes
People with diabetes generally have high blood sugar levels, but this blood sugar stays in the bloodstream and not into the cells so that can not be converted into energy.

As a result, the body can run out of energy even if you have enough to eat. If you frequently experience fatigue without cause, ask your doctor to test for diabetes.

How to overcome: the treatment of diabetes with lifestyle changes, like diet and exercise, insulin therapy and medication can help the body to process sugar.

10. Dehydration
Fatigue could be a sign you are subject to dehydration. Even if you work outside or dwell on the table, the body still needs water to work well and remain calm. The signs of dehydration is that you experience thirst.

How to cope: drink water throughout the day so that your urine light colored. At least two glasses of water every hour or consume more water before doing physical activities that have been planned. Then, continue your workout and then drink two more glasses.

11. Heart Disease
When you feel fatigue caused by routine activities, like cleaning the house or weed the yard, it could be a sign that the heart does not work properly. If you find that everyday activities are easier also more difficult to do, consult your doctor.

How to overcome: changing lifestyles, treatment, and follow the procedures of the therapy that you run to make your heart in better condition at the same time restore your energy.

12. Work "Shift"
Working at night or doing shift work can disrupt your sleep. You may feel tired when I have to wake up. And, you may experience difficulty sleeping during the day.

The fix: limit activity during the day when you need a break. Create an atmosphere of a dark bedroom, quiet, and cool.

13. Food Allergies
Some doctors believe the unconscious would be allergic to certain foods can make you drowsy. If the intensity of fatigue increases after eating, you may have noticed the type of food may not cause you to itch, but enough to make you drowsy.

The fix: Try to stop eating one kind of food to see if it correlates to improve fatigue in yourself. You can also request the doctor to conduct food allergy tests.

14. Fibromyalgia and CFS
If your fatigue lasts longer than six months and so severe that you can not manage their daily activities, chronic fatigue syndrome (chronic fatigue syndrome / CFS) or fibromyalgia is a possibility. Both can have different symptoms, one of the main thing is fatigue.

How to overcome: although there is no quick cure for CFS or fibromyalgia, patients actually benefit from a change in the daily schedule, which is learning to improve sleeping habits for the better and begin a light exercise program.

Ways of Reducing Fatigue

If you feel tired, but had nothing to do with medical conditions, perhaps one solution is to sports. Research has shown that healthy adults often feel tired but can obtain significant additional energy from a simple exercise program.

In one study, participants ride stationary bicycles for 20 minutes with the speed of light. Doing this type of exercise three times a week is enough to treat fatigue.

Insomnia Goodbye! - Difficulty sleeping can be very annoying when this happens constantly, or we would call insomnia. In fact, there are a hundred ways to get quality sleep. Begin by changing your diet before bed. Want to know how the next?

* Sort-select a snack before bedtime. The combination of carbohydrates that contain tryptophan, such as a bowl of cereal with non fat milk, will make us sleep better, rather than just consuming one food only. Carbohydrates will help to release chemicals in the blood that causes sleep disturbances, and will relay signals to the brain that your body is ready to rest.

* Eat cherries. At night, try to eat some cherry fruit. The experts found that the cherry jam has the same function with melatonin, a hormone that is released by our bodies that will keep your sleep patterns.

* Grave seafood night. Dinner with seafood such as fish, can make sleep more soundly. Cod, tuna, snapper, halibut, and shrimp, contain tryptophan which is very good to help you sleep soundly. The number is proportional to the turkeys.

* Avoid consumption of hot peppers. Far-far from chili if you want fast asleep. Because eating spicy foods before bed can raise body temperature and prevent you from falling asleep, and also increase heart rate.

* Do not eat the food of China. China's food, canned vegetables, soups, and other fast foods, famous for using a lot of flavoring (MSG). MSG can cause headaches and insomnia for most people. Check the labels used on canned food if you eat them at night.

* Choose a tea rather than coffee. Caffeine is known as a substance that helps us to stay awake. Examples of coffee. Replace this with a cup of tea beverages. Tea contains only half the caffeine of coffee. Tea also helps us to release the sense of stress. If you can not stand black tea, try to substitute with green tea.

* The smell of lemon mint. Add the aroma of mint and lemon in your drink or food. Mint and lemon have a substance that could relieve breathing.

Insomnia Cause Death? - There have been many accidents and health problems occur because of sleep disorders. Research on laboratory rats which constantly forced to wake up eventually die within two weeks. However, did not sleep in humans also lead to death?

According to medical records, the longest human survive without sleep is 11 days. That is evidenced by Randy Gardner, teens 17 years in 1967 and hold up for 11 days for a dance competence. During the not sleeping he did not suffer pain and was still able to follow the competition. Finished the competition, he then slept for 14 hours and recovered his strength as usual.

However, this example is a form of lack of sleep, which is very different from insomnia. "It is not unusual when someone can not sleep for several days because of insomnia," said Dr. Michael Thorpy of the Sleep-Wake Disorder Center, USA.

There is a very rare case of insomnia, which is caused by genetic factors, that is fatal familial insomnia (FFI). The interference experienced only 40 families worldwide.

Due to the FFI, a person will suffer from panic attacks, hallucinations, reduced body weight, demenisa, and sometimes death. Sleep disorder causes decreased nerve function in the brain. FFI usually occurs in middle-aged man and ended with the deaths in that period of time one or two years.

Thorpy explained, in most people, chronic insomnia is not directly cause death. However, lack of sleep can trigger serious health problems that increase the risk of death.

"Sleeping less than seven hours per day are associated with reduced cognitive function, especially loss of concentration, impaired memory, and koornidasi hands and eyes," said Thorpy.

Research also shows people who suffer from insomnia at higher risk of depression and anxiety. Insomnia is also associated with the risk of heart disease and hypertension, obesity, diabetes, breast cancer, and headaches. That is why, people who suffer from insomnia shall enjoy the treatment the doctor.

7 Ways Out Healthy Without Money - Healthy is expensive, so according to many people. It's okay to argue so, but it does not mean we are unable to escape the threat of disease, even with a free way.

1. Gather with your friends
Fearing a heart attack in old age? If so, do not bid hue and friends to spend time together. Research experts from the Harvard School of Public Health found that older men who remain active have a condition mingle better blood vessels thereby reducing the risk of heart disease, compared with peers who "squirt".

2. Inhale
A study published in the journal Health Psychology found that young adults who have a sense of envy and hostility had lower lung function. It happens when a mixture of envy, resentment, and hostility was settled many years so the impact on health. For that, start learning the respiratory process. Take a deep breath, count to 10, then release. You'll feel more relaxed and loose.

3. Sunbathers
Scientists in recent years increasingly focused on vitamin D, which turned out to have much effect disease prevention. Those who got less vitamin D levels in the body is more at risk for cancer, dementia, and heart disease. Therefore, set aside time in the morning for a workout while basking in the sun.

4. Making love
You do not have sex too often to get the health benefits of sexual intercourse. Wilkes University researchers found that having sexual intercourse once or twice a week will increase the levels of immunoglobulin A, antibodies that protect the body from various infections, including against the flu.

5. Sleep
This is an easy and fun way to unhealthy. Enough with sleep, the body's ability to fight disease will increase. Not only that, sleeping enough will raise levels of leptin, a hormone which suppresses appetite. Thus, body weight was more awake.

6. Aerobic Exercise
Including people who have trouble sleeping? Do aerobic exercise, like jogging, bicycling, or swimming. Research has shown, those who routinely perform moderate intensity aerobic exercise have better sleep quality compared with those who did weight training.

7. Masturbation
In the Journal of the American Medical Association in 2004 described a man who ejaculated 21 times or more a month to have prostate cancer risk 33 percent lower. This is happening because regular ejaculation may remove or dispose of chemicals that cause cancer.

Cholesterol-Free Soy Milk - Although the small shape, of soybean can be processed into various food products, one of which is soy milk. Composition of the soy milk is similar to cow's milk, soy milk because it can be used as a substitute for cow's milk, especially for those who are lactose intolerant to cow's milk.

Another advantage of soy milk than cow's milk contains no cholesterol at all. However, according to Prof. Dr. Made Astawan, author of Gynecology and Miscellaneous Food Nutrition, cholesterol content of cow's milk is still considered very low when compared with other animal foodstuffs. Because it did not have to worry about drinking cow's milk.

Quality protein, soy milk is also almost the same as cow's milk protein quality. Protein eficiency ratio (PER) of soy milk is 2.3 whereas cow milk is 2.5 PER. PER 2.3 means that every gram of protein eaten would produce the body weight of 2.3 grams. Thus, the higher the PER value reflects the better quality protein.

In general, soy milk contains vitamins B1, B2 and niacin in an amount equivalent to cow's milk or breast milk, and contains vitamins E and K in amounts enough.

However, soy milk does not contain vitamin B12 and its mineral content, especially calcium, fewer than cow's milk. Therefore, soy milk is usually produced by the factory are always added with minerals and vitamins.

Soy milk, Suitable Create a Diet

JAKARTA, - Soy milk is not less nutritional value than cow's milk, even cheaper. Another advantage is not fattening and can be consumed by those who can not drink cow's milk. Soy milk is also an excellent source of phytoestrogens for women.

Soy milk or nut milk is also known as the beverage is not foreign to us. It is unfortunate if the soy milk until now only used as a relieving thirst.

In fact, the nutritional value of soy milk from dairy cows is not lost. When the price of milk soared, many people who prefer to stop the consumption of dairy milk than replacing it with alternatives such as soy milk.
Drinking milk must be a habit. At least in a day we should consume a glass of milk.

Soy milk can be a solution for those who can not consume cow's milk with a variety of reasons, such as allergies, lactose intolerance, or because of economic factors. Soy milk can also be a substitute for cow's milk variety of menus to avoid saturation. One thing is for sure, the nutritional value of soy milk from dairy cows is not lost.

Not Ordinary Drink
Soy milk is highly nutritious beverage which was initially developed in China. These drinks are well known in the 2nd century AD From China, soy milk and then evolved into Japan. After World War II, soy milk became popular in Southeast Asia, including Indonesia.

In Hong Kong, soy milk is better known by the name vitasoy. In Singapore and Malaysia, soy milk vitabean famous by the name. In both countries, soy milk has been cultivated commercially since 1952. In the Philippines, popularly known as philsoy. In Indonesia, soy milk was originally sold by the roadside flora. In recent years, soy milk in cardboard boxes or bottles, many on the market.

Judging from their nutritional value, no less soy milk from cow's milk. Therefore, soy milk can be used as a substitute for cow's milk. Two glasses of soy milk consumption has been able to meet 30 percent of daily protein needs. In 100 grams of liquid soybean milk contained 3.5 grams of protein, whereas in cow's milk is only 3.2 grams per 100 gram.

Soy milk protein quality no less than cow milk. Protein quality of soy milk in the form of a single food is 80 percent of cow's milk protein quality. This can be seen from the values of PER (protein eficiency ratio) of soy milk that is not much different from cow's milk.

PER value of 2.3 Soy milk, whereas cow's milk 2.5. PER value of 2.3 means that from every gram of protein consumed will result in weight gain as much as 2.3 grams in standard experimental conditions (usually done with the animal experiments). Higher PER value indicates the better quality protein.

Essential amino acids in soy milk contained in a composition that is almost complete and harmonious. Compared with cow's milk in protein, amino acid composition of soy milk with less in terms of methionine and cysteine. The main advantage of soybean milk has the amino acid lysine is high enough. Thus, soy milk can be used to improve the nutritional value of protein from rice and other cereal foods.

Fat Does not Make
Soy milk good for those who want to diet, but protein supply in sufficient quantities. One of the advantages of soy milk compared to cow's milk is low fat content.

Fat in soy milk can not cause obesity because most are in the form of unsaturated fatty acids. Meanwhile, the fat in cow's milk is a potential animal fats cause the body to be elastic because they contain high saturated fatty acid. Another advantage, soy milk contains no cholesterol.

Although soy milk contain good carbs, only 12-14 percent of which can be used as biological body. Carb group consisting of oligosaccharide and polysaccharide groups. Oligosaccharide groups consisting of stakiosa and raffinosa soluble in water, whereas erabinogalaktan group consisting of polysaccharides and cellulosic materials which are insoluble in water, and can not be digested.

In general, soy milk has a good content of vitamins, especially A and B complex, except for vitamin B12. Other vitamins contained considerable amounts of vitamin E and K. Not wrong when during the many people who think that drinking soy milk can make your body young. Vitamin E and A is an antioxidant that can prevent premature aging.

Eating Disorders alert - Did you know that women are far more worried about excess weight than men, although cases of "overweight" actually happened to many men? You also know that pregnant women often feel stressed and not by her pregnancy, but by the swelling of his body weight?

The facts have proved that eating disorder knows no bounds. Anyone can experience it, though most of those who have problem with diets is teenage girls and young women. No matter the age, race, gender, social strata and occupations. Prevalence of anorexia, bulimia, eating hooked, and other eating disorders is clearly visible all around us.

The evidence suggests the following things:
Eating disorders themselves actually do not only relate to food, body shape and weight alone. Eating disorders was also covers issues of identity and self-concept is influenced by many factors.

Well, some things that indicate eating disorders, among others:
* Refusing to eat
* Contrary to the above, really enjoy eating
* Feeling guilty about eating hooked
* Denial of hunger
* Regurgitate food
* Sports excessive
* Reject the presence of friends or relatives
* Feeling perfek

Green and Black Tea Good for Heart

JAKARTA, - Talk about the benefits and efficacy of tea leaves, generally we will be more focused on green tea. In fact, both green tea and black tea both have properties on health. Almost all types of tea turned out to play a major role on health peminumnya. This is because tea contains antioxidant compounds such as polyphenols, flavonoids, L-theanin.

As described by Peter CH Hollman, researchers from Waginingen University, the Netherlands, antioxidant compounds in tea are useful as anticancer substances, suppress stress hormones, and improve blood vessel function that will prevent cardiovascular disease, such as heart attack and stroke.

"Tea is a source of flavonoids that have a direct effect on vascular health," Hollman said in a press conference event Tea Science Symposium organized by the Institute of Lipton Tea in Jakarta, Wednesday (07/14/2010).

In a meta-analysis of research Hollman, proved that those who ate three cups of tea per day had a risk reduction of stroke by 20 percent. "Both black tea and green tea have the same protective effect," he explained. In various research, testing has been done on the relationship of tea with cardiovascular disease, whether its short term and long term.

According to the explanation Visvajit De Alwis, General Manager of the Tea Buying Division of PT Unilever Indonesia, black tea is black tea brown color, flavor "rich", which is produced through the fermentation process. The green tea is green tea that is produced through a process of steaming rapidly to prevent the occurrence of leaf color changes and the onset of fermentation. In Indonesia, the type of black tea is more popular than green tea.

Cane reliever Heart

Iced sugarcane juice. Of course you never feel kesegerannya. Moreover, if drank in the middle of hot air, or while fasting. Hmm ... terkata not delicious. But, whoa. In addition to a delicious sweet, too rich in sugar cane properties. Ranging from coughing to high heat, as well as a pounding heart, can be destroyed by a cane. How to cultivate it too easy! So, why not used?

Cane including family graminae or grasses and breed in temperate areas with moderate to hot air. Suited to the local sugar cane Sugarcane (Sacharum offlcinarum, Linn.) Which has a height of land up to 1300 meters above sea level. In Indonesia there are several types of sugar cane, among sugarcane (Cirebon), black, cane mattress.

Each type of stem size and the sugar cane has different colors. Seed plants, including a single cane. Height ranges from 2-4 meters turnbuhan cane. Cane tree trunks composed of many segments that each ruasnya limited by the books as the seat leaves. Tangible form of sugar cane leaves with midrib caresses. Leaf length can reach a length of 1-2 meters wide and 4-8 centimeters with a rough surface and hairy.


(1) Relieves palpitations: 3 handheld black sugar cane roots. Washed and boiled with 2 cups water to boiling until there remained a glass. Drink two times daily.

(2) Heat Illness: Black Sugar to taste, squeezed to take the water, then drink.

(3) Cough: 3-5 black sugar cane fields, disesap and drinking water. Or, baked, then peeled and squeezed to take water.

Enjoy the efficacy of sugar cane huh?

Areca seed Overcome Worms

Worms are usually suffered by children can not be underestimated. If allowed, consequently belly bulge, decreased concentration, disturbed growth because nutrients are absorbed by the worm. There are various ways to overcome the worms. Many drugs sold in pharmacies or worm stalls. But if you want a natural remedy mangatasi worms, areca seed answer.

Areca nut (Areca catechu, L), who used to be used as a companion to chew betel, has long been believed to have various properties. Besides, as the worm medicine, betel effective as drug diarrhea, skin diseases like scabies, ringworm, panu, lowering fever, overcome bloating, until the issue is whitish and as a facilitator of menstruation.

Usefulness nut seeds to cure intestinal worms have been studied in Biotechnology Research Center ITB. Proven, nut seeds effective against stomach worms.

A number of compounds contained in the areca nut alkaloids, among other substances arekolin, arekaidin, arekain, guvacin, arekolidin, guvakolin, isoguvakolin, and choline. Arekolin that there are a lot of nut seeds are toxic and act as a nicotine into the nervous system, its effects, can eradicate parasites like worms in the human body.

Meanwhile, areca seed that can be squeezed out of useful compounds orekolin remove worms from the body.

Pinang or commonly called Jambe (Java), pinning, Boni (Sumatra), Gahat, scarcity of food, tion, Pinang (Borneo), including the palm family. Slender trunked tree, grows straight, 10-30 m tall, 15-20 cm diameter, unbranched with the former leaves off. Pinnate compound leaves growing together at the end of the rod. Leaf sheath tubular, 80 cm long, petiole short.

Fruit in the form of fruit buni, breech elongate ovate, 4-7 cm long, fibrous fruit wall, red-orange color when ripe. Fruit a single seeded nut, shaped like a short cone with a rounded tip, base rather flat with a shallow indentation, 15-30 mm long, outer surface brownish to reddish brown, somewhat resembles a squiggly colors mesh with the younger ones.

Mode of treatment for intestinal worms is very easy. Boil 30 grams of ground seeds with 2 cups water nut. Continue to boil for 1 hour until the water receded somewhat. After that lift and chill. Drinking before breakfast.

Although natural, nut also has side effects such as nausea and vomiting if eaten in raw state.

Papaya Leaf Bitter Behind

Actually, nature has always been providing solutions for a wide range of human diseases. Unfortunately, because it is not practical, natural medicine slowly displaced by synthetic drugs. Along with the outbreak of the side effects of synthetic drugs, natural medicines now beginning to glance again. One of the many natural medicine sebaguna available around us is a papaya. Every part of the papaya tree can be utilized, from the roots, stems, leaves, fruits, grains and even fruit.

This article will only discuss the benefits of papaya leaves, because one part was even already have seabrek benefits.

Softer flesh. The housewife may already be familiar with the properties of papaya to soften the meat. The content of sap (latex) in the leaves that will seep into the meat and soften it. The trick, put the stew meat in papaya leaves, or wrap the meat in papaya leaves when boiled.

Acne drug. Did you know that papaya can also overcome a stubborn pimple? The trick, grab 2-3 sheets of old papaya. Drying briefly and then mashed until smooth. After that, add one half tablespoon of water. Then brush the mixture on the affected part of the face such as wearing masks acne. Take a few moments, then rinse clean.

Increases the appetite. Not hard to make this concoction of appetite enhancer, prepare fresh papaya palm-sized, a little salt, and half a cup of warm water. All the ingredients are mixed, ground or blender, then filtered to take the water and then drunk. This herb is safe, even for the kids though.

Anticancer. From some of the research described, stems and leaves of papaya latex contains much white as milk (milky white latex), which likely developed as anticancer, as quoted from the Journal of the Society of Biology. Sap is automatically obtained when we consume papaya, cooked in any way.

Facilitate digestion. Karpain compounds contained papaya potent inhibit microorganisms that interfere with the performance of several digestive functions, so that effectively suppresses the cause of typhoid fever.

Blood pressure control. The trick, take the five pieces of papaya, boiled with half a liter of water. Boil down until only three quarters. Let it cool before drinking. If necessary, add brown sugar or honey to taste sweeter.

Medicine for dengue fever. Mix the five pieces of papaya, turmeric, meniran sufficiently, and brown sugar. Boil until cooked, then let cool before drinking.

Medicine for menstrual pain. Take a sheet of papaya, tamarind and salt to taste java. With a glass of boiled water to cook. Let it cool before drinking.

Traditional way of damping Coughing

Coughing is actually a physiological reflex that serves to clean the respiratory tract from foreign objects. Coughing can be caused by weather disturbances such as cold air or changes in air temperature, smoke or dust allergies, phlegm or because of inflammation of the respiratory tract. Coughing can also become one of the symptoms of asthma disease, influenza and tuberculosis.

There are several traditional ways to relieve cough. This therapy can be used to reduce cough caused by allergies dust, smoke, or light interference.

Kaempferia galanga (Kaempferia galanga)

Kencur chewed, sucked, sucked the water. Or if prefer, chew until creamed and then swallowed.

Java acids (Tamarindus Indica L.)

Java tamarind pulp brewed with hot water, add a little brown sugar, set aside to cool. Steeping drink this every morning and evening.

Carrot (Daucus carota)

Grated carrot juice and taken away. Drunk two times a day.

(Morinda citrifolia)

Noni fruit are crushed, add two cups of hot water, then filtered. Take water and mixed with lime juice. Drink 3 times daily.

Ginger (Zingiber officinale)

Ginger and hammered burned, boiled together fennel, cinnamon, cloves, and palm sugar. Strain, and drink water.

Another recipe is to burn 15 grams of ginger for 15 minutes, and then crushed. Brewed with 1 cup hot water and add 1 tablespoon of honey.

Lime (Citrus aurantifolia)

There are a few recipes as lemon cough. The first method, water plus honey lime juice to taste. Second, lemon-herb noni as above. Third, lemon-herb sauce. Fourth, mixed with lime salt.

Aloe vera (Aloe vera)

Aloe pith is cut into small pieces mixed with honey, taken three times a day as much as a teaspoon.

Blumea (Blumea balsamifera)

Blumea leaf and cumin leaves sliced, boiled with cloves, cubeb, cardamom, cinnamon, and fennel as much as 2-3 cups.

Betel (Piper betle)

Five pieces of betel leaves are boiled with cloves, cardamom, cubeb, and cinnamon.

Wuluh Carambola (Averrhoa bilimbi)

Wuluh starfruit flower handful boiled in two cups water, add the sugar cube. The decoction is drunk every morning and evening.

You can also use star fruit wuluh. Boil 5 wuluh star fruit in a glass of water, add 5 grams of sugar Java. Simmer for 15 minutes, kemudiang lift and sift. Drink two times daily.

White turmeric anticancer

Turmeric is not as famous as his brother white, yellow turmeric, which has so long believed to have various properties. In fact, this rhizome is potentially used as herb medicine. Many people recognize the efficacy of white turmeric as an effective antidote to common colds and reduce the risk of cancer.

Physically, turmeric and white are a little different from turmeric yellow. This rhizome sizes tend to be smaller, and more bitter taste. But both have strong and distinctive flavor because of the content of volatile oils.

As the drug starting a cold, white turmeric processing is quite simple. Take 200 grams of turmeric which has been washed and peeled, then grated and squeezed to take water. After it was heated, and then drink while warm. If it feels a bit bitter, you can add a little honey.

As anticancer, you can consume white turmeric extract. White Turmeric contains a substance that will bind selectively in cancer cells. This substance is believed to spay the development of cells that proliferate abnormally. Many patients who fit this alternative, as a complement to other cancer therapeutic. This white turmeric anticancer substances derived from the protein content of toxic compounds and curcumin.

But the ability of white turmeric against cancer is still to be patented by a more in-depth research. Traditional medicine researchers from the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Airlangga (Airlangga University), Dr Mangestuti, MS, Apt, explaining the properties of white turmeric has been known heredity. But so far, clinical trials of new limited efficacy of white turmeric essential oil use for digestive disorders. While the efficacy for cancer, there has been no official research results and present further research is being conducted.

Mangestuti added, principle, all types of rhizome roots has properties that are similar. Average crops such rhizome of ginger, turmeric, a key meeting which contains the essential oil is good for digestion, such as relief flatulence, nausea, abdominal pain. In the community, not a few people who have felt his usefulness. Consumption of turmeric juice of white water in the portion of the fair even though each day could not give adverse effects.

In addition to drunk or extracted, white turmeric can also be used for external use, such as bruises, sprains, boils that are difficult rupture, simply borehkan grated white turmeric on the body part. Traditional societies also often use the mill into powder of rhizome and dried as a powder.

Insurance Education

1. COMPANY that offers insurance ..
Kind / type of company:
- International Subsidiaries
- A company of Home Affairs / state?
- There is a part of the division of a bank.
- Joint Venture between international companies and banks in the country.

The decision is on parents to choose. There is an appropriate preferred religion, there is something more like an international company. Many people prefer the companies that have international names, because although the branch in Indonesia closed we can still make a claim to the head office or branch in the country we can lainpun claims. Should not be too trusting with the insurance company's rating. Because these ratings vary and are adjusted with a 'magazine' or 'surveyor' creators, even in what might somehow rank, but still proud! This ranking should not be used as the main factor.

In this case there are two kinds;
- Can be taken if the child is born; and
- Can be taken even if the unborn child

Most people take the second option because if something happens to the father before the child was born or something happens when giving birth, who we have collected funds and equipment can be disbursed.

3. The benefits
a. Most Insurance Life Insurance Education accompanied Insured, meaning if the insured (eg father) died, the heirs will receive 100% Sum Assured in addition to the cost of education itself. For this life insurance .. ask your agent / consultant, whether it's still 100% of it will be accepted if the insured died after the payment of premiums or the policy ends? Because there are (many) companies that only pay if the death during the premium payment.

b. The benefits of education costs
There are companies who will return all premiums already diabayar if the child died there also, although the child will still return the company meniggal Benefit Premiums education money will be paid.

Compare great benefit to the accumulation of premiums (if the insured survives until the premium payment period ends) on the results can be greater .. Beware of "tricks" of insurance companies, there are companies that provide seolah2 total percentage is greater than any other company, but it was behind a big benefit. Suppose that 10% received primary school, junior high school received 15%, 20% received high school, received 40% lecture, college accepted 100%. Try comparing with that give a big up front, for example, SD 20%, SMP 30%, and so on. If we calculate accurately, a company that provides large front (SD 20%) could be more profitable than the SD 10% because if the money is not used and saved, so in the end turned out to policyholders if ditotal will face greater benefits than they provide benefits small in front.

Many varieties of premium payments, there is an annual, per six months, or per three months, the choice should be tailored to our ability to pay. Make sure the Form Filling filled with honest, to receive the benefit. If the policyholder has been received, ask the agent / consultant to explain the details of the contents of clauses-clauses, if necessary ask for all the forms or understand how to submit claims and asked for the address / phone / email / website to contact the insurance company. Avoid only have addresses agent / consultant, because agents are not necessarily continue to work on the insurance company. (AM)

"Some time ago I tried to look at illustrations from the Insurance Provider AIA-88, interestingly enough, because if for example we fear will be hard time paying for them, we can attract a premium payment of a bonus for next year. Bonuses that we take every year is 6% of UP, starting early in the third, then there is another added bonus every three years. If this bonus is not taken, at the end of the insurance we could get more money of course. Although not mentioned for education, but the bonus we can use to children's education, for example we take the umpteenth year for the payment of money into schools. The smaller the child, the greater the results
end to be received later (at age 88 years old child). In addition, for example in the payment period (seven years), for example, the payer (father) dies, then the child is exempt from premiums. "(Ss)


Not all claims payments due to the failure of Insurance Companies. Can also cause is his own customer. Generally there are five mistakes that can cause customers do not pay insurance money:

1. Customer Dishonesty
Before someone has a life insurance product, he first must complete Application Letter of Insurance. In the Application Letter there are the questions that must be answered by a prospective customer, and from the answers that will see whether the Insurance Company will provide life insurance protection to you or not. Now, when filling out an application letter is often the prospective client does not give the correct answer. For example, in the Letter of Request are questions about whether you ever
hospitalized in the last two years. If you answer no - but never admitted to the House Sskit six months ago for example - then the case of death on you and your insurance company finds that you are the cause of death due to diseases that once made you enter the hospital about six months ago, do not expect an Insurance Company Sum Insured will pay what they promised.

2. The exclusion by the Insurance Company to pay money
Sometimes coverage Life Insurance Company does not provide the benefits they promised turned out to cause death if you are exempt (and the exceptions were written in the policy). Regarding these exceptions, the PA generally determines the number of exemptions which vary. However, generally are:
- Death by suicide
- Death by the person concerned committed a crime
- Deaths from AIDS
- Death due to critical illness, where death occurred in the first year he followed the insurance programs of the respective PA
- Death due to force majeure, or things that can not be avoided, such as war, natural disasters, or civil commotion Often
exceptions contained in the policy did not readable by the client, that he felt hurt when the money is not paid for insurance coverage. Therefore, if you have a Insurance Policy, a time to again to read the articles contained in the policy.

3. Customers too long to make a claim
Generally, the PA set a time limit on filing claims asuransi.Biasanya, set time limit is three months. Fuss, customers often make a claim outside the time limit, so the PA is difficult to fulfill. For example, your husband to follow a life insurance program with you as his heir. In the event of death of your husband, then you can only get the promised benefits when filing an insurance claim you are still within the time limit of three months after the death. If not, insurance companies may be unwilling to provide the benefits they promised. Now, how can you know longer time limits provided by your insurance company in a death claim? You can read it on your Insurance Policy. After that, if it really happened later risk of death, immediately submitted his claim to the Insurance Company.

4. The terms of the time of filing the claim is not complete enough
PA usually require a number of requirements when filing a claim if the true mortality risk occurred in people who bear. Requirements that are often not met or completed by the heirs of customers, so the insurance company certainly can not immediately pay their claims.

Usually, the requirements requested by the Insurance Company if you want to make a claim of death are:
4.1. Death Certificate from neighborhood local
4.2. Accident Certificate from the police (if death occurred due to accident)
4.3. Statement from the House Sskit (if death occurs in hospital), where the letter was signed by the doctor concerned
4.4. Filling the Claim Form issued by the Insurance Company
4.5. Photocopy of Identity Self Beneficiary So, if there is risk of death, do not forget to fulfill all the requirements demanded by the Insurance Company.

5. Unpaid premium by the customer within a preset period of time
This is obvious. If you do not pay premiums according to the specified time period, could have your Insurance Policy to be no longer valid. This means, you are no longer protected by insurance. This is what often happens. In the early days, customers pay a premium diligent, but at a certain moment, no longer paid premiums, even down to a certain time limit. This is the same as if you use electricity and do not pay within a certain time limit, so your electricity at home is threatened termination by PLN. Therefore, make sure you know your premium payment rules. Do not let your Insurance Policy does not apply anymore just because you forgot to pay the premiums on time.

Apart from the customer side, do not pay insurance money can also be caused by errors caused by the Parties of Insurance Companies. There are several actually, but that generally happens only two:

1. Insurance Agent dishonesty in presenting insurance products. Your insurance agent could not be honest in presenting his life insurance products. For example, when met, he said that the Insurance Company will pay the Life Insurance Money Pertangungan if death is caused critical illness, including if the risk is incurred in the first year. Though generally not the case. Indeed, not every insurance company has the same policy. So my advice, what you see in your Insurance Policy that is what should be a reference, not from what the Insurance Agent. Insurance Company generally provides a kind Money Back Guarantee if you find that you are not satisfied with the articles contained in the policy. You can return the policy, and your money will be returned. Of course, during the return policy is located within a specified time limit set by the insurance company, which is usually 30 to 90 days. Then, if all Insurance Agent can not be trusted? not really, because it's back to the person. Not because there is one agent that is not true, then you equate all insurance agents in this world is not true. Once again, it all went back to their respective characters. To prove whether the presentation
Life Insurance Agent is given correctly, you simply match it with the Insurance Policy issued. If equal, it means your insurance agent is honest and trustworthy. If not, report him to his Insurance Company.

2. His company is mischievous
If you find that you have fulfilled all the requirements requested, to be honest in filling the Application Letter, diligent in paying premiums, submitting a claim is still within the time specified, but the claim you are still not paid, check it again. It could be a recalcitrant company.

Health Insurance

Health insurance is a type of insurance products that specifically guarantee the cost of health care or treatment of the members of such insurance if they fall ill or have an accident. Broadly speaking there are two types of treatments offered by insurance companies, namely inpatient (in-patient treatment) and outpatient (out-patient treatment).

Items held either by health insurance company social insurance, life insurance companies, and also a general insurance company.

In Indonesia, PT Indonesia Health Insurance is one company that organizes social insurance health insurance to its members who are mainly civil servants and non-civilian. Their children are also covered up to age 21 years. Retirees and their wives or husbands are also guaranteed for life.

Outside of class, the government also provides health insurance program for low-income residents, now called JAMKESNAS, the public health insurance, in addition to the program financed by the state budget, a number of provincial and district governments also have a similar program that is Jamkesda and Jamkesos such as, among others, in the district of Musi Banyuasin in 2002, Jembrana since 2003 in Yogyakarta since 2003 and South Sumatra provinces, there is Jamsoskes, since the beginning January 2009 although at the beginning of March 2010 the central government to study the possibility of prohibiting health insurance financing through the budget.

In the year 2009, 116.8 million from approximately 230 million Indonesian population have health insurance provided either by PT Askes Indonesia, PT Jamsostek, PT Asabri or via other programs or insurance JAMKESNAS.

Some life insurance companies and life insurance also has marketed the health insurance programs with a variety of different variants. In general, insurance companies health insurance program organized in collaboration with hospital providers, both directly and through intermediary institutions as the hospital network management assistant.

Cleaning cucumber Kidney

Cucumbers have long been part of our culinary riches. As fresh vegetables, mixed pecel, made pickles, or fresh beverages. Usefulness is also a lot of juicy fruit. Cucumber is believed to reduce fever in a short time, high blood shed, to cleanse the kidneys. For beauty, cucumbers can clean the face of black spots and acne, also reduces excess oil.

Cucumber that has the scientific name Cucumis sativus, containing 0.65 per cent protein, 0.1 percent fat and 2.2 per cent carbohydrate. These vines fruit also contains calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2 and vitamin C. Cucumber seed itself contains toxic alkoloid hipoxanti type, which serves to treat intestinal worms.

External use

Fever, remove scars, reduce oil on face. How to use, take the fruit to taste, wash, and then shredded.

Acne. Cucumber washed and sliced. lrisan cucumber taped and rubbed rubbed on the skin with acne. Do it every day.

Black spots acne scars. Take the end of the fruit along mentimum approximately 5 cm, and scarring. Take turmeric for your thumb, then ground and grab the water. Turmeric water is mixed into the already grated mentimum it. Then sapukanlah to the face. Do it every day until the spots disappear.

Or, you can use a homemade spray toner. How, one grated peeled cucumber fruit. Strain and take the water, mix with two teaspoons of honey. Then insert the mixture into a spray bottle equipped laat. Spray to the face twice daily.

Sore throat. The trick, mix a bit of cucumber seeds with a little salt. Then add water. Use the mixture to gargle.

Be drunk or consumed

High blood pressure. The trick, two fresh cucumber fruit is washed and shredded. Results parutannya extorted and filtered, and drunk all at once. Do it 2-3 times a day.

Sprue. Every day eat as many as nine pieces of cucumber fruit. Perform regular basis.

Cleaning the kidney. Freshly washed and shredded cucumber. Results grated squeezed and filtered. The water is taken little by little until the gastric fluid used to receiving cucumber.

Fever. Take a taste of cucumber, washed, and then shredded. Results parutannya placed on the abdomen.

Irregular menstruation. Finely milled 10 Kalanchoe leaves, gourds five fingers, five majakan fruit, a fruit of cucumber, 10 leaves dadap srep, 10 sambaing conspicuous leaves, add salt water. Then lubricated to the stomach, and then bandaged. Do twice a day.

Cucumbers can also be used as a mouth freshener. After brushing my teeth, eat a few slices of fruit mnetimun. Your breath will feel fresh.

Various Ways to Soothe Acne

Acne on the face is very frustrating, therefore, diligently-rajinlah clean face. In addition to maintaining cleanliness, food intake should also be considered, because some types of high fat foods can trigger acne.

But if all efforts have been made but acne still desperate to stop by, do not keep silence, and soon overcome in order to sooth the face.

You also must have felt frustrated by often, the acne is gone, but the marks still adorn the face. Do not worry, there are some natural ways you can choose.

1. Wash your face with betel leaves steeping water, 2-3 times daily. Its function is to kill acne bacteria.

2. Clean the face with a mixed extract of star fruit wuluh little salt water. Wuluh Carambola is very good as antiinflammatory and astrigen to shrink the enlarged pores due to acne scars.

3. given facial steam with water steeping tea.

4. Grease spots acne scars with sticks of cinnamon powder mixed with honey. Do it at night, then wipe in the morning.

5. Take a little honey and heat until boiling. Let stand until lukewarm then apply on acne scars, leave on for 1 hour. Do it every night before bed.

6. Do not ever touch the acne with dirty hands, let alone memencetnya. It's a bit much to reduce acne scars due.

Betel leaf Overcome Leucorrhea

Efficacy of betel leaf has long been believed to relieve leucorrhoea in women. In fact, many products that claim based antikeputihan betel leaf. When you want a more natural way, try the following recipe.

1. Whitish

Take 7-10 betel leaves.

The trick, betel leaves boiled with 2.5 liters of water until boiling. While still warm, the water decoction of betel leaf is used for washing and cleaning around the genitals repeatedly.

2. Reduce excessive milk products

Take four leaves of betel and coconut oil to taste.

The trick, betel leaf smeared with coconut oil, then baked with fire. In the circumstances are still warm, betel leaf affixed around the breasts.

3. Heart Disease

Take three pieces of betel leaf, seven pairs of seed cubeb, 3 spring onions, 1 tablespoon white cumin.

Way, all ingredients are finely ground, plus five tablespoons of hot water. Let stand for several minutes, then squeezed and filtered. Potions is drunk two times a day regularly.

4. Syphilis

Take 25-30 betel leaves along the stem, 1 / 4 kg of palm sugar, salt to taste.

The trick, all the ingredients together with 2 liters of boiled water until boiling, then filtered. Water decoction drunk three times a day regularly.

5. Allergy

Take six pieces of betel leaf, a piece of yellow ginger, 1.5 tablespoons of eucalyptus oil.

Way, all ingredients are pounded together until smooth, then rubbed on the body that itch.

6. Diarrhea

Take 4-6 pieces of betel leaf, six white pepper, 1 tablespoon of coconut oil.

Way, all ingredients pounded together until smooth, then rub on the stomach.

7. Stop bleeding gums

Take 4 pieces of betel leaf.

The trick, betel leaves boiled with 2 cups water to boiling. After chilling, cooking water used to rinse the mouth. Do it repeatedly until healed.

8. Stop the bleeding nose (nosebleeds)

Take one betel leaves.

The trick, as he pressed a betel leaf rolled-out to press a little oil. Use to plug a bloody nose.

9. Toothache

a. Take one betel leaves.

The trick, betel leaves boiled with 2 cups water to boiling.

The trick, use boiled water that has been cold to rinse. Repeated regularly until healed.

b. Take two pieces of betel leaf that has been crushed, salt to taste.

How, materials tersebuh brewed with hot water as much as a cup, then stir until the salt dissolved, allow to cool. Water is used for gargling.

10. Bronchitis

Take seven pieces of betel leaf and a piece of rock candy.

The trick, betel leaves finely chopped, then boiled with rock sugar with 2 cups boiling water to within a glass, then filtered. Water decoction drunk three times a day, each with 3 tablespoons.

Overcome Nicotine Addiction with Banana

You are trying to stop smoking, is often hampered because it has been addicted to nicotine. To fix this, try eating a banana. The content of B6 and B12 in bananas helps to neutralize the effect of nicotine.

In addition to those benefits, there are many benefits of bananas for your health.

Overcome anemia

Bananas contain enough iron, so that effective treatment for anemia. Eat two bananas every day.


Triptopthan acid content in bananas which converted into serotonin (a substance that can alter mood) can overcome depression and stress. In addition, the amount of vitamin B6 in it can regulate blood glucose levels can change the mood.

power source

Bananas can be digested with ease, the sugar contained in fruit is converted into a good source of quick energy.

Good for pregnant mothers

Banana recommended for pregnant women because it contains folic acid, which is easily absorbed fetus through the uterus.

Neutralize stomach acid

Got a problem with the stomach? Try eating bananas mixed with fresh milk. This herb neutralizes gastric acidity.

Alternative foods for diabetics

Not just any bananas, but bananas are familiar to the public Goroho Gorontalo, North Sulawesi. Goroho immature banana steamed, then mixed with grated young coconut, a delicious meal that is safe for diabetics.

To get all those benefits, you do not have to bother banana processing or mixing with other materials. One banana contains an average of 99 calories calories, 1.2 grams protein, 0.2 fat grams, carbohydrates 25.8 milligrams (mg), 0.7 grams fiber, 8 mg of calcium, phosphorus 28 mg, iron 0.5 mg, vitamin A44RE, 0.08 mg vitamin B, vitamin C 3 mg and 72 grams of water.

Pick ripe banana reactors, yellowish green skin with patches of brown or yellow. More digestible ripe bananas, sugar and natural fruit turned into glucose quickly absorbed into the blood circulation.

Natural Medicines For Toothache

Toothache is a common health disorders and often occur without prior symptoms. The pain that varies from a sharp, throbbing, until constant.

The pain caused is very disturbing. Not to mention, if left without proper treatment, tooth decay will worsen and should be revoked. There are several natural medicines that you could try to alleviate toothache.

Garlic effectively relieve toothache. How, one clove of garlic puree is mixed with a little coarse salt and then place it on the sore area. As a precaution, chew a clove of garlic every morning.

Red onions contain antibacterial component. Eating an onion each day chewing proven way to protect from various dental disorders. Munch onion for 3 minutes, enough to kill all the germs in the mouth. And you can relieve the ailing tooth by placing a small piece of onion in the area of diseased teeth or gums.

Lime, as a rich source of vitamin C, is very beneficial to maintain healthy teeth and bones in other body parts. Otherwise limes could prevent tooth decay and tooth loss, dental plaque formation, toothache, and bleeding of the gums.

Clove oil
Clove effectively relieve toothache, also reduce the infection because it contains an antiseptic. The trick, apply clove oil to the hole damaged teeth.

Pepper Powder
Pepper a little flour mixture with 1 / 4 teaspoon of salt is very good for maintaining dental hygiene. If used regularly every day could prevent tooth decay, breath odor, bleeding gums, sore gums, and toothache. To relieve a toothache, you can place the flour mixture into the pepper and oil of cloves in the tooth cavity.

Bad breath? Overcome by Natural Recipes!

As I was engrossed in chatting suddenly the 'he' away. Calibaration have calibaration apparently no other reason comes from your breath is not bad. Well, surely you do not want to experience this condition. Besides embarrassing, unpleasant breath conditions can also affect your social relationships.

It was common knowledge, the smell of mouth odor is usually caused by bacteria that grow on food scraps left on our teeth and gums. Bad breath comes from sulfate compounds produced from the bacteria. Conditions are dry mouth, when we sleep, for example, also cause the same thing.

Moreover, dental disease, the gums and stomach can be a trigger factor of bad breath. Therefore important that you know of any 'natural recipe' to prevent and treat the condition.

Ginger and lemon juices
Simply provide a glass of warm water, then mix with 1 teaspoon lemon juice and 1 teaspoon of ginger. Rinse 1-2 times daily.

Parsley leaves
This leaves contain essential oil and chlorophyll, which can resist a bad odor from the mouth. Use a little parsley which has been cut into 1 cup hot water. Leave it for a few moments, and then add a few cloves into a solution of hot water and parsley. Stir briefly, cool and use as a mouthwash regularly.

Baking soda
Baking soda can also be used to clean up all the bacteria that cause bad breath. The trick, mix two teaspoons of baking soda in 1 liter of water. Use 1-2 times daily as a gargle.

White water
Dry mouth will increase the employment of bacteria in the mouth. Take care of hygiene and oral health by drinking water in sufficient quantities every day.

Usefulness Jasmine, from insomnia to Inflammatory Bowel

Melati or Jasminum sambac, besides its function as an ornamental plant, usually used as a base for perfume makers.

But not only that, the tiny flowers are white and fragrant aroma issue was health benefits, as are the leaves and roots.

Here are the benefits of Jasmine as a medicinal plant:

Shortness of breath
20 Prepare the jasmine leaves and salt to taste. Boil ingredients with 3 cups water to boiling till about then filter the remaining 2 cups. Paste the results stew around the breasts. Do it every morning before bathing.

Boil one handheld poncosuda jasmine leaves (another name for the forest or jasmine jasmine gambier) with 3 cups of water until the remaining glass, then strain and drink 2 times a day.

Kidney inflammation
Boil 15 grams of dried leaves of jasmine poncosuda with two glasses of water to the remaining glass. Drink two times daily until the turbid urine color returned to normal.

Fever and headaches
Prepare a single cell 10 leaves of jasmine and jasmine flowers and then knead by hand. Soak the squeeze of the water in a bowl or basket. Use the soaking water is to compress the forehead.

Stop the excessive production of breast milk
One handheld jasmine leaves finely crushed and then affixed around the breasts, do every morning before bathing.

Sore eyes (red eye or belek)
One handheld jasmine leaves finely crushed and then paste on the forehead. If you have dry replace with new.

Swelling caused by bee sting
One handheld jasmine knead until smooth. Then paste on the affected part.

Trouble sleeping (insomnia)
Prepare a 1 to 1.5 grams of jasmine roots were washed. Milled material was then add boiled water to taste, then drink the results of the filter.

hopefully there are benefits

Strawberries, The Red-Fighting Cancer

PLANT strawberry (Fragaria vesca) was first planted in Brittany, France, years ago in 1740. Furthermore, this fruit is increasingly known in the world, including Indonesia.

In order to keep fresh fruit and sweet, suitable stoberi planted on the plateau. Not only it tastes fresh, the red this beautiful store various health benefits, including preventing cancer.

Strawberries are rich in phenol content, such as anthocyanin and elagitanin. Light red color on the fruit comes from anthocyanin content of which also act as antioxidants to protect cell structures in the body and prevent oxygen damage in human organs.

Antioxidants can reduce cell damage caused by free radicals that are thought to play a role in the formation of various types of cancer cells. Elatiganin in red fruit that is generally associated with decreased mortality due to cancer.

Beside rich in vitamin C content, strawberries are also a source of vitamin B5, B6, potassium, manganese, folate, potassium, riboflavin, copper, magnesium and omega-3 fatty acids.

Rate is also known to reduce inflammation caused by arthritis, osteoarthritis and asthma.

One study mentions, strawberry is one of eight foods most associated with decreased mortality due to cancer.

A useful addition to the fruit, leaves and roots of strawberries can be used to treat joint disease. To cure the burning skin, strawberry fruit can be used by rubbing on the affected part.

Take advantage of natural assets to Lower Hypertension

High Blood Pressure (hypertension) is not a monopoly of modern humans, but also have often experienced by our ancestors. However, basically there are many natural ingredients and traditional blend is found to overcome this disease.

HPA Malaysian Herbal Practitioner Doctor, Dr. Akbar Zaidul asserted, humans may not be able to improve the quality of health if consumed drugs or supplements that contain many chemicals. In a seminar titled "Overcoming Hypertension in Medical Herbs" organized Stores Marwa in Toha Putra Semarang Center last week, Zaidun explained, the facts showed 10% of medical drugs used to cure diseases contain synthetic chemicals that cause various side effects.

If the medicines consumed in the long term, can eventually cause damage to human organs. Dependence on chemical drugs that should be suppressed by utilizing a variety of natural materials. It would be more healthy and without side effects than stuffing our bodies with chemical-chemical risk.

According to him, various herbs that can be used to reduce hypertension in ataranya, habatus sauda (black cumin), green cincau, dates, bitter, tongkat ali, noni, cat whiskers, or leaves a spoon. Not only that, according Wadir HPA Jakarta Institute of Technology, Lecturer at the same time Malaysia is Powered herbalis KPJ, aloe vera, gotu kola, as well as ant nests can also be utilized for these disease problems.

Still taking herbal medicinal products should also needs to be studied first. Are herbal medicines that have been packaged for safe use. Properties also must have been scientifically proven or pre-clinic. Jugas product raw materials should be standardized, as well as meet the quality requirements.

Moreover, patterns of life are critical to maintain body condition, including avoiding hypertension. Healthy lifestyle is a long-term health investment. While the hospital would cost an expensive investment. Therefore, smoking should be avoided, the food is too greasy, lazy, and playing online games which proved to be susceptible to burn calories.

Consumption of chicken claw, Prevent Osteoporosis

MOST people may feel disgust consume claw (leg) of chicken, although it has been processed into tempting delicacies. Perhaps because remember the past are fond of The Chicken-Eker mengeker garbage looking for food. Could also be due to see the shape of a chicken claw which only consists of bone, muscle and a little skin.

In terms of prestige, cooking chicken claw is often called the food is not classy. Even overseas, the organ of the chicken is rarely used for human kosumsi. That is why, many underestimate the chicken claw, if not know yet extraordinary benefits for your health.

Although insignificantly, was consuming a lot of chicken claw contained calcium, collagen, hydroxyapatite naturally it can maintain bone strength. During the time people assume to prevent bone loss (osteoporosis) with enough calcium. In fact, can only strengthen kasium exterior bones. Therefore, many cases of osteoporosis are not cured simply by drinking milk calcium.

Hydroxyapatite contained in the chicken claw is able to determine bone strength. The substance is a food for the bones, which comes from the bones of animals such as chickens, horses, cows, or goats. There may still wonder, how could claw aya influential with osteoporosis?

Beautify skin

Inside our bodies there are two kinds of antigens, ie foreign antigens and self antigens, each antigen can be antigenic and immunogenic. Immunogenic antigen capable of binding to other than specific antibody, was also able to produce specific antibodies against antigens. Antibodies against these immunogenic antigens that need to be stimulated to prevent bone keroposnya.

Immunogenic antigen can be found in the collagen tardapat on chicken claw. In addition to bones and joints, Collagen is also useful for, accelerate the recovery of the wounded or injured tissue, protect the network from recurrent injury. Besides burning fat, enhance your skin look so much smoother.

Bulimia can be fatal

Pretty mean slim. If not, is not pretty. Not sexy. The concept of such a constellation of psychological influence people. If it was not pretty, people can not believe it myself. The concept that in turn affect eating patterns.

Disrupted eating patterns due to psychological factors like this is called bulimia nervosa. "Usually it strikes people ages bulimia adolescents and adults who are victims of fashion or magazine that said that the beautiful woman is slim," said dr. Inayah, SPG, from Hang Keliu Clinic, Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta.

Patients with bulimia nervosa are usually not directly caught by others because of her weight is normal and not too straight. However, behind all this, their confidence is low and they often experience depression. They will show the cumulative behavior, such as shoplifting in the supermarket or the experience of dependence on alcohol or other.

Symptoms and Dangers. Patients with bulimia nervosa will eat significant amounts of excess. According to research, on average, patients with bulimia nervosa consume 3400 calories every single quarter of an hour, whereas normally only need 2000-3000 calories per day. If so, the body of minerals such as potassium zodium and will be disturbed.

Patients also will strive to remove what has been eaten back by spitting back or by using laxatives. "At least twice a week they will eat their favorite food very much. After that, they will issue a return," said dr. Inayah. Regularly use drugs to prevent her weight was not easy to ride. Quite often they exercise excessively.

At the time of food eaten out, and potassium zodium also out. "If that happens, the patient will become lethargic and heart pounding," he said. In addition, patients can also be affected by osteoporosis, if calcium come out.

Repeated vomiting can damage the stomach and esophagus channel, the channel between the esophagus and stomach, because it forces the stomach to contract inappropriately. Stomach acid that comes out with vomit, said dr. Aid, will make the gums shrink and erode tooth enamel. "If we are wrong in striking at the throat it will cause a mild stroke," he said.

Once again, bulimia nervosa is influenced by psychological factors. If these factors are not immediately addressed, the bulimic will feel afraid to look for food. It is usually referred to as anorexia. "With just one mouthful to eat, he will feel put on weight," he continued. This disease can be improved or even worsened. Can progressively worse with no signs of improvement at all.

Patient's body reacts to these conditions by stopping some processes, such as reducing blood pressure, breathing weakened, menstruation stops, and exit teroid glands that regulate the growth disappeared. The skin becomes dry and brittle hair and nails. If interference is not handled promptly, the patient could die.

Handling. The first thing to do to overcome this problem is to eliminate the factors causing it. Patients should be relaxed and fully aware that each body has his own genetic template. There are thin, there are athletic. "Not everyone has the lean and lanky body," he said. In addition, patients must also be aware that the composition of different muscles. There are sturdy and there is not.

It must be realized also that each body has different types. People under his body fat, better health risk than fat on the top. Especially people that fat in the abdomen. Therefore, a healthy diet must be maintained to avoid obesity.

In addition to the set pattern of healthy eating, bulimia can also be treated with hypnotherapy were continuing treatment. Hypnotherapy can not stand alone without looking at the nutritional bulimic, "added Jovita Trikomandito, Cevtifird hypnotherapist from Hang Lekiu.

The therapy is carried out by Jovita is to bring the patient into the subconscious and change the behavior of someone that can increase the return of consciousness, health, and ability to achieve the goals themselves a better life.

Exactly How to Overcome Insomnia

EVERY human being to spend a quarter to a third time to sleep. Thus, sleep has a particular significance for all mankind.

If lack of sleep or experiencing sleep disturbances in, it will make people become slower and less enthusiastic. Conversely, adequate and quality sleep will help us have energy and passion in running the day-to-day activities.

Difficulty sleeping or insomnia symptoms often makes a lot of people do not maximal working on each of their jobs. This is because they do not have a quality sleep.

Insomnia is a sleep disorder characterized by symptoms such as always feel exhausted and tired all day and constantly (more than ten days) had difficulty sleeping. Or the patient is often awakened in the middle of the night and can not go back to sleep. Often times patients woke up faster than it wants and can not go back to sleep.

If you do not want to catch insomnia, there are some things you need to do. Among them:

1. Avoid beverages containing caffeine and alcohol before bedtime, should be better if you try to spend a glass of warm milk.
2. Do not watch movies or read books that heavy and suspenseful story. But select the movie or reading books is a pretty minor story.
3. Perform relaxation such as meditation or listening to soft music before you sleep, this could help you avoid the symptoms of insomnia.
4. Use a mattress, bed linen, and soft pillows and put a pillow in the right position, because this can determine the content of your sleeping comfort.
5. Calm your heart, mind and free your mind from the problem of employment.

However, if you still have problems, sleep disorders, you can try a traditional recipe that is believed to cure insomnia that you suffered. The trick is:

1. Buy fresh nutmeg then peel and grate. Brewed with a spoonful of honey. Drink while still warm each day.
2. Shy girl plucking a few leaves and then boiled with half a liter of water. Mix the ingredients that you cooked with one tablespoon of honey and drink while still warm.