KOMPAS.com - Men different from women in all respects - including nutritional needs. Like the women who need certain nutrients during pregnancy or protection from breast cancer, the descendants of Adam also needs special nutrients that help maintain muscle, prevent prostate cancer, and more.
Many foods that tend to be favorites among men, but it is bad for health. Therefore, it never hurts to know 10 types of foods that can fight disease while improving the health of men:
1. Oyster
According to Dave Grotto, RD, a spokesman for the American Dietetic Association, "Research shows that the content of zinc (zinc) in the oyster can protect the body from cell damage that leads to prostate cancer." Moreover, "Zinc also serves on the reproductive system of male sexual including increasing the number of sperm," says Grotto.
However, according to the Grotto, you have to be careful eating raw oysters can be risky due to Vibrio vulnificus infection. In addition, patients with liver disease, diabetes mellitus, rheumatoid arthritis, and chronic renal failure, and alcoholics should be careful to consume oysters because it increases the risk greater in their illness.
Therefore, it is recommended to consume oysters with a dose of 11 milligrams per day, if you also consume other types of shellfish, lean beef, lean pork, or beans.
2. Banana
Bananas have a large energy source and the rich content of potassium needed to regulate nerves, heartbeat, especially blood pressure. Diets rich in potassium and magnesium (also found in bananas) can reduce the risk of stroke.
As a source of vitamin B-6, bananas can also help the immune system, forming red blood cells, ensure the nervous system functions well, and helps metabolize protein.
So enjoy a banana each day, at breakfast or before a workout at the gym. For those who are not enthusiasts can try banana orange juice, milk, tomatoes, and beans are also good for a diet rich in potassium.
3. Omega-3 fatty fish
There is no comprehensive list of healthy foods without fats containing omega-3. Unsaturated fats are fats that dpenting for the body because it beneficial for the heart, blood circulation, immune system and reduce the risk of prostate cancer.
"Omega-3 fats are anti-inflammatory foods that can help lower triglycerides in the fat, reduce pain and pain in athletes, and help cure arthritis," says Joy Bauer, MS, RD, nutrition expert Joy Bauer's book author of Food Cures.
American Heart Association recommends everyone to own eating fatty fish (salmon, sardines, tuna, mackerel, herring) twice a week, because amino acids rich in omega-3.
"Fatty fish is also a source of good nutrition vitamin D to prevent cancer, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and bone disease," said Bauer.
However, to get omega-3 protein other than animal protein you can also get in plant foods such as flaxseed, walnuts, soybeans, canola oil, and egg products.
Vegetables broccoli helps prevent heart disease and cancer. Broccoli is loaded with vitamin C, beta-carotene, potassium, and phytochemicals called sulphoraphane (anticancer prostate and colon).
Super-nutritious green vegetables can also help reduce levels of homocycteine, an amino acid associated with increased risk of heart disease and stroke. If you do not like broccoli, you can try sayuran'silangan 'such as bok choy, cabbage, cauliflower, or Brussels sprouts.
5.Kacang Brazil
According to Bauer, Brazil nuts contain selenium and magnesium. Both types of these nutrients are antioxidants which can prevent liver cancer and protect prostate health. In addition, people who are selenium-rich diet decreased the risk of cancer. Selenium also helps lower LDL or "bad koresterol" and reduce the incidence of blood clots and heart disease.
It is recommended that adults consume 55 micrograms of selenium daily from Brazil nuts, dry-roasted nuts, turkey, tuna, or shellfish. Although your daily dose of selenium can be met in one Brazil nut, Bauer warned to not eat more than two Brazil nuts per day because they contain much selenium can cause you overdose.
6. Whole Grains (seeds intact serelia)
Most men think is getting enough carbohydrates, but the kind they eat just one. "Diets rich in whole grains provides fiber, vitamins, minerals that support heart health, muscle building, and maintaining a small waist," said Christine Gerbstadt, the American Dietetic Association.
According Gerstadt, foods such as oatmeal contains soluble fiber in the body, and also contains vitamin B which can help lower LDL cholesterol and good for the prostate.
It is recommended to consume 10-25 grams of fiber each day, either from other sources such as oatmeal or apples, pears, and nuts. Keep in mind, when buying grain products, look for products containing at least 3-5 grams of fiber per serving. To avoid digestive problems, try increasing your fiber intake gradually, and do not forget to drink lots of water.
7. Stanols
Stanols are natural substances in fruits and vegetables that have been proven to reduce levels of bad cholesterol. Many foods are now fortified with stanols, such as butter, yogurt, orange juice, granola and chocolate.
Every day, men are recommended to consume 2 grams of plant stanols plus other types of food to help inhibit the absorption of cholesterol in the intestine. To accomplish that, you can consume 2-3 teaspoons stanols products such as Benecol or 16 ounces of orange juice fortified stanols per day, because stanols are safe to use as a cholesterol-lowering.
8. Soybean
According Gerstadt, rich in soy isoflavones, which maintain prostate health and have been shown to decrease the risk of prostate cancer. "According to a recent study, eating 25 grams of soy beans or about 1 ounce of soy protein each day helps lower cholesterol," says Farrell.
The FDA itself has approved health claims by food labels that claim to consume 25 grams of soy protein per day is part of a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol may help reduce the risk of heart disease.
Therefore, it never hurts to try eating some soy products every day, such as soy beans, soy milk, soy cheese, tofu or tempeh.
9. Berry and cherry
All kinds of different colors such as cherry, purple, blue and red color is very good for health because it can protect the flavonoid and anthocyanin.
Cherry fruit contains more than 4000 different compounds that have antioxidant properties than vitamin C. Adding berries in the diet help slow the decline in brain function resulting from the aging process.
10. Red and orange vegetables
Vitamin C and beta-carotene is an antioxidant that helps protect skin cells healthy and prevent oxidation from the sun.
"Vitamin C is involved in producing collagen. Beta-carotene converts to the active form of vitamin A, which helps to repair the epithelial cells or skin," said Bauer.
Bauer recommends that intake of all nutrients from red bell peppers (each fruit contains vitamin C 300% of the total needed by the body), carrots, pumpkin, or sweet potato.
According to the study of The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, in addition to vegetables that have been mentioned above, there are still some major vegetables should be consumed by men (and women), namely vegetables, dark green leafy vegetables and other nutrient-rich so they can help reduce the increasing risk of prostate .
In addition, the man who runs a diet rich in nutrients in vegetables that contain vitamin C, beta-carotene, and potassium ditemukkan risk of prostate enlargement becomes smaller.