Cervical Cancer

Early Detection & Prevention

Cervical cancer or cervical cancer as a cause of death reported no 1 in INDONESIA. At least every 2 minutes there is 1 person in the world who die of cervical cancer.

The main cause of cervical cancer strongly suspected viral infection HPV (Human Papilloma Virus).

Cervical Cancer Symptoms

Cervical cancer at an early stage does not cause symptoms. New symptoms occur when cells of cervical cancer has invaded surrounding tissues, namely in the form:
• Abnormal bleeding: beyond the menstrual cycle, after sexual intercourse, or after a pelvic exam
• Chronic whitish, with features including: a thick, yellow / brown, can be foul-smelling and / or itching
• Severe pelvic pain
In advanced stages, cervical cancer symptoms may include discharge of urine and feces from the vagina. DIAGNOSIS Cervical Cancer

To diagnose cervical cancer, is usually carried out the examination:
• Pap smear tests
• The liquid-based cervical cytology examination (SSBC).
• Vaginal fluid diluted to separate cancer cells (more sensitive)
• SSBC inspection plus the HPV DNA
• Colposcopy: binoculars cervix (cervical)
• Cervical biopsy
• Pelvic examination
DEVELOPMENT Cervical Cancer

Doctors will use the diagnostic results above to determine your cancer stage.
• Stage 0 (Carsinoma in Situ): cervical cancer cells are found only in the innermost layer of the cervix / cervical
• Stage I: cancer is found in the cervix only.
• Stage II: cancer has spread beyond the cervix but not to pelvic wall or bottom third of the vagina.
• Stage III: Cervical cancer has spread to the lower third of the vagina, may have spread to the pelvic wall, and / or has caused kidney does not function
• Stage IV: Cervical cancer has spread to the bladder, rectum, or other parts of the body (lung, bone, liver, etc.)

Cervical Cancer Surgery
Cervical cancer can be treated with surgery.
• Konisasi (cone biopsy): the creation of a cone-shaped incision in the cervix and cervical canal to be studied by a pathologist. Used for diagnosis or treatment of cervical pre-cancer
• Cryosurgery: is treatment with a way to freeze and destroy abnormal tissue (usually for stage cervical pre-cancer)
• Laser surgery: to cut the tissue or surface of the lesion on cervical cancer
• Loop electrosurgical excision procedure (LEEP): using an electric current that is passed on a thin wire to cut the abnormal tissue of cervical cancer
• Total hysterectomy: removal of entire uterus and cervix
• Radical hysterectomy: removal of entire uterus and cervix, ovaries, fallopian tubes and nearby lymph nodes.

Pre-stage cancer, or a less invasive cervical cancer (stage IA) is usually treated with a hysterectomy. If the patient still wants to have children, LEEP or cone biopsy method may be an option.

For stage IB cervical cancer early and IIA:
• Tumor size smaller than 4cm: radical hysterectomy or radiotherapy with / without chemo
• Tumor size greater than 4cm: radiotherapy and cisplatin-based chemotherapy, hysterectomy, or cisplatin-based chemotherapy followed by hysterectomy

Figure Illustration Hysterectomy
Radiotherapy & Chemotherapy on Cervical Cancer
Advanced cervical cancer (IIB-IVA) can be treated with radiotherapy and cisplatin-based chemotherapy. At a very advanced stage (IVB), the physician may consider a combination of chemo drugs, such as hycamtin and cisplatin.

For the type of invasive cervical cancer, is usually surgery and radiotherapy are the most common treatment used. Chemotherapy or biological therapy is sometimes used.

The types of radiotherapy for cervical cancer:
• External: large machine aimed at the pelvic area. Usually given 5 days @ a few minutes per session a week for 5-6 weeks
• Internal: Uses the capsule of radioactive material grown in the cervical area for 1-3 days, then can be repeated several times over 1-2 weeks.
Typhonium PLUS ® for cervical cancer
For those of you who develop cervical cancer, can also consume Typhonium Plus ® - a herbal concoction (100% NATURAL) is efficacious to improve the immune system to fight cervical cancer cells.

Extract Typhonium Flagelliforme (Keladi Tikus) and other natural ingredients to help detoxification of the blood tissue. This herb contains a ribosome inacting protein (RIP), which serves to disable the development of cancer cells, cancer cells without damaging eroded the surrounding tissue and block cancer cell growth.