Did You Know?
• The main cause of death in cases of lung cancer is cancer (lung cancer contributed to 32% of deaths in men and 25% in women with cancer)
• 90% of lung cancer patients were active smokers or former smokers
• Smoking one pack per day increases the risk of lung cancer folding 10X
• Smoking two packs per day increased the risk of cancer folding 25X
• Of the 180 thousand people are convicted each year of lung cancer, 86% will die within 5 years since diagnosed (only in America alone).
It is known that cigarette smoke is the main cause of lung cancer (type carcinoma) because it contains over 4,000 chemicals, of which 50 species are carcinogenic and toxic.
• Male
• More than 40 years of age
• Tobacco users (white smokers, cigarette or cigar)
• Living in environmental tobacco smoke (passive smoking), radon and asbestos
Someone who included high-risk groups (GRT) if you have a complaint breath like a cough, shortness of breath, chest pain, you should immediately meneriksakan yourself to a specialist in lung.
Signs and symptoms of lung cancer takes years to be known and are often confused with symptoms of illness in general.
• Asphyxiate
• A cough that does not go away (more than 2 weeks)
• Wheeze when breathing is not asthma
• Coughing up blood
• Discoloration of the sputum and increasing the number of sputum
• Voice changes (a husky), or coarse sounds when breathing
• Chronic fatigue and weight loss drastically
• Swelling of the neck and face
Lung cancer can be seen with chest X-rays and CT scans. The diagnosis was confirmed by biopsy or by bronchoscopy (lung binoculars).
STADIUM Lung Cancer
• Stage I: Cancer confined to the lung.
• Stage II and III: cancer confined to the chest (if the larger and more invasive, tumors classified as stage III).
• Stage IV cancer has spread from the breast to other parts of the body.
Tumor surgery is usually done for cancer that has not spread beyond the lungs. If the tumor is aggressive and / or expanded, then chemotherapy, radiotherapy and other therapies can.
Fotodinamik therapy (PDT) is often used to treat inoperable lung cancer. PDT holds great potential for treating tumors is hidden, not visible on chest x-ray.
Radiotherapy is usually done to shrink the tumor followed by surgery or in cases of lung cancer is inoperable.
The main way for a person reduce the risk of lung cancer is to stop smoking. Someone who has successfully quit smoking 10 years means have been able to reduce the risk of 30 -50 per cent for lung cancer.
Other cancer prevention efforts is to keep the immune system through healthy lifestyle (regular exercise, adequate sleep, stress-free living and healthy eating), and food supplements regularly.
Recently (June 2009) we were shocked at the results of recent research that provides strong evidence that beta karotene (contained in most multivitamins) may increase the risk of lung cancer.
If you are an active chronic smokers, or classified as high risk (GRT) has cancer, Typhonium Plus ® is an herbal concoction that can increase endurance.
Typhonium flagelliforme (another name: Keladi Tikus / Rodent Tuber / Laoshu Yu) itself is an herbal plant that has a property as a detoxifying agent that is clean the toxins in your body, smooth urination, cleaning the digestive system and restore the lost vitality of the body.