According a study recently conducted by a laboratory cancer research in Netherlands, vaccines newest new for mesothelioma can prevent and treat mesothelioma, a form cancer originating from exposure asbestos. Researchers has tested vaccines on 10 patient which have diagnosed with mesothelioma , with they all show improvement antibody levels toward disease and three of indicates that tumors has declining within p. size.
What symptoms cancer mesothelioma?
Study published in American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, explain how vaccines worked with creating cells dendritic antigen on malignant tumor mesothelioma on layer fluids at lungs patient. Dr Joachim Aerts, the writer research and also pulmonologist at Erasmus Medical Center in Rotterdam, says that approach using immune system patient useful for attacking tumors and creates immunities on diseases, compared using radiation conventional or with treatments chemotherapy .
How histologycal mesothelioma?
Dr Aerts say that this is one forms treatment relatively new for cancer called immunotherapy. Vaccines mesothelioma unusable and relatively safer, with fewer side effects compared method current treatment. He revealed expectation that further study can enhance level survival patients with diseases mesotelioma. Currently, patients diagnosed with mesothelioma, prognosis life only live less than two year.
Patients been exposed asbestos usually not displays symptoms mesothelioma during several years, or even decades, after exposed beginning period. At moment, metastases mesothelioma will continue walking within lungs and permeates organs other. Other side from study is that vaccines can become direct treatment for workers exposed asbestos.
Although side effects shown by patients in this research less severe as experienced by patients undergoing treatments chemotherapy or radiation , one potential effects originated from changes from immune system patients during immunotherapy. Studies notes that patients recovering quickly and not exhibiting signs -signs autoimmune diseases related.
Differences between pleural mesothelioma and peritoneal mesothelioma
Dr Aerts noted existence potential problems exist on disturbances immunosuppressive. He says that main problems for treatments mesothelioma is tumors created an environment on mesothelium pleural that reduce effects from vaccines. He mentions that next step in vaccine development ie how gives immunosuppressive Around cancer for improve effectiveness treatment.
Dr Aerts and colleagues researcher have conduct amounting tests on securities on dendritic cells and how they can affect tumors cancers on rats. Research previous shows that vaccination generate antibodies necessary to destroying cells malignant and fixed maintain healthy tissue surrounding to generate immunities specific.