Keladi Tikus

Several years ago splashy news circulating in cyberspace. Reported a patient advanced stage breast cancer patients can skip chemotherapy without the effect of torture and declared cured after consuming rat taro (Typhonium flagelliforme)

Taro previous mouse was not as famous as the others are like bitter herbs, white Intersection, Intersection buffoonery, and noni. The name was taken from mice taro foreign names Rodent Tuber (laoshu yu) is earlier known in Malaysia.

This kind of taro shrub height only 25 cm -30 cm. He liked the place a moist & not exposed to direct sunlight at an altitude of 1000 meters above sea level. Single leaf shaped like a heart with a pointed tip, arising from tubers and fresh green. Length of crown-shaped flowers resemble little white mouse with a tail, hence the name given taro-rats.

There has been many researchers who uncover taro-mouse properties, especially for cancer. Prof Dr Chris KH Teo, Dip Agric (M), BSc Agric (Hons) (M), MS, PhD from Universiti Sains Malaysia researching this plant, the results extracted from taro root-effective for rat prostate cancer. Besides Lam Siew Hong researchers from USM mention that occur in the blood increase the antibacterial activity of catfish.

Taro mice containing antineoplastic or anticancer be nutritious as well as antivirus. Pharmacological effect which is the main drugs to treat cancer of advanced stage. Section is used to treat the whole of the plants. Starting from the root (bulb), stems, leaves to flowers. Of course, these effects will get better when given together with other plants, like bitter, grass and see a white pearl.

Extracts Typhonium flageffiforme fixation and other natural ingredients help the detoxification of the blood tissue. This herb contains a ribosome inacting protein (RIP), antioxidants and substances antikurkumin. RIP serves to disable the development of cancer cells, cancer cells without damaging eroded the surrounding tissue and block cancer cell growth. Antioxidants function to prevent the occurrence of damage to genes. While the substance antikurkumin function as antiinflammatory / anti-inflammatories. This activates a combination of natural materials by producing mediators that stimulate the cells to strengthen the immune system to eradicate cancer cells bersamasama. In China this plant in carefully by Zhong Z, Zhou G, Chen X, Huang P and of the Guangxi Institute of Traditional Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Nanning. The study was conducted to determine the pharmacological effects of Typhonium flagelliforme. It is known that water and alcohol extracts from Typhonium flagelliforme have the effect of preventing a cough, eliminating phlegm, antiasmatik, analgesic, antiinflammatory, and are sedatives. At a concentration of 720 g / kg aqueous extract, 900 g / kg of alcohol extract and 3240 g / kg extract of plant esters This can poison the body. Kaho Riwu MenurutAngela PhD, chemist Natural anti-tumor substances researchers from Ohio State University, Typhonium flagelliforme extracts do contain anti-cancer substances, but its concentration is weak. Regarding the results of his research ever published in the journal Phytotheraphy Research in May 2001. However, he also did not deny that there are patients who are cured by taking this herb.