Prevent Cervical Cancer Soon!

PARTIAL foreign women may still hear cervical cancer. But an important note, this type of cancer has claimed the lives of women. In fact, the implementation of Visual Inspection with Acetic Acid (VIA) test conducted on 7000 mothers of households in the city of Solo on March 23 and is known as much as 4% of them tested positive for cervical cancer (cervical) and as much as 6% have been infected.

It proves the number of patients with cervical cancer (cervical) in Solo is high. Based on the info from the official website of the WHO, there have been 250 thousand deaths caused by cervical cancer in 2005. Cervical cancer is caused by the Human papilloma virus (HPV) which are sometimes in the early stages did not show any symptoms.

This disease could at least be more aware by knowing the symptoms are as follows:

1. Loss of appetite and weight declined
2. Pelvic bone pain and spinal
3. Swelling in the legs
4. Accompanies fecal discharge of urine through the vagina
5. Menstruation is not normal (longer and more)
6. Whitish and the resulting odor, with a watery liquid with brown or pink, containing blood

Method of examination should be done:

-Test Pap smears, to identify and detect abnormal cells found only in the outer layer of the cervix and does not invade the deeper part. If not immediately treated, these abnormal cells turn into cancer cells can spread in several places around the cervix, upper vagina, pelvic area, and other parts of the body. Even in the United States, according to the American Cancer Society, the reduction reached 75% after a pap smear test carried out widely.
HPV-DNA test, to determine whether someone is infected. In this test network taken from the cervix to be examined in the laboratory.
If Pap test results showed the cancer cells, patients can undergo further examination. Diagnosis is done, check the cervix by colposcopy that is examining the cells with a special microscope. After that, take a sample of cervical cells with a biopsy.

Cervical Cancer Prevention:
- Prevention of cervical cancer can be done with the program skrinning and HPV vaccine. From this research, proved that the immune response to work two times higher in young women aged 10-14 years compared to 15-25 years of age.
- Early detection by Visual Inspection with Acetic Acid which has been developed in Indonesia, this can reduce the number of deaths from cervical cancer by 50%.
- Avoid sexual intercourse at a young age (under 20 years), and changing sexual partners.
- Periodically (once a year) to do a pelvic exam and pap smear.

If the symptoms of cervical cancer later found immediately contact your doctor for further action.